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WARFORGED!: The Feyforged - A New Warforged Variant $6.00
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WARFORGED!: The Feyforged - A New Warforged Variant
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WARFORGED!: The Feyforged - A New Warforged Variant
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Drew D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/18/2020 13:25:44

I just used these Feyforged races as a DM to modify some NPC pirates for players to try. It was a blast! The players loved discovering all the different elemental abilities and I think they are now on a suicide mission just so they can reroll as some Feyforged. The writing and mechanics are tight, the art is GORGEOUS! Grab this one today, its worth it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks so much Drew! Let me know how it goes, would love to sit in on a session or two to hear it all in action.
WARFORGED!: The Feyforged - A New Warforged Variant
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2020 20:58:56

WARFORGED! The Feyforged by Daylight Publishing (@daylightpub1066)

From the moment I saw Budde’s art in the previews I knew this was going to be something special. Then there was the preview for the Windforged and my world changed forever...

There’s no other way to say it, but I never realised I could find Warforged hawt!

I was absolutely thrilled to play my Windforged Ranger, Amber W4V3, the moment they were released and I had wonderful experience flying around and living my thirsty fey biomechanical fantasy.

In all seriousness, this is an absolutely smashing supplement of eight excellent elemental Warforged variants with a wonderful flavour and alluring mystique that is something completely original and singular on Eberron and with the Warforged.

Each have their distinctive abilities tied to the fey (or Daelkyr or SPAAAAAACE!) and their element, making each unique and awesome in their own right with the thought and care put into them so clear on the page.

The Masks of the Quorforged are a great variety of magic items of varying rarities paying especial homage to the Bionicles that were the original inspiration for the whole supplement.

It never ceases to amaze me how Day can create so many wonders and take inspiration from so many different places to create things so new and unique. The way he works with other creators and artists like Budde, managing to have them create the perfect accompaniment and visualisation, astounds me. The artwork for this supplement truly ranks amongst the greatest on the Guild!

This is truly an awesome Warforged variant with eight invigorating and flavourful subraces that are a whole lot of fun!


Writing, Editing, and Layout: Cameron Day Mask Development: Griffin Fredette Creative Consultants: Luke Robinson and FlyCheeseDM Warforged Logo: LordSinclair Interior Art: Marcel Budde Cover Art: Eden Sanders Internal Arbiter Icon: Cameron Day Page Backgrounds and Title Page Divider: DMs Guild Stock Art Landscapes: Wikimedia Commons

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks so much Sebs! Thank you thank you thank you! I am so glad you liked the book!
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