I really like how replayable this adventure is. I also like how the 4 suspects makes it easy for DMs to customize the adventure to suit the interests of the players.
The structure is set up that it is easy to sub out one of the suspects for a different NPC. So if a DM wanted to use a different NPC from Waterdeep: Dragon Heist or their own game it is easy to do so with some minor adjustments.
There are some great suggestions on how to use this adventure to start off a longer campaign or tie in with Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.
I would have liked there to been a bit more detail surrounding the Secret Invitation that sets off the adventure. Suggestions on if the sender of the invitation would help provide any sort or clues would have been great, as well as suggestions on what sort of rewards if any would happen at the wrap up of the adventure.
There are a lot of NPCs in this adventure, I love a large cast to work with but now all DMs do. So you may need to reduce NPCs if you find there is too much to work with.
Over all I love how this adventure creates a fun little sandbox for an assortment of iconic Forgotten Realms characters along with Waterdeep: Dragon Heist NPCs. I can see myself running this multiple times for friends and family.