Rare is it that there is a marriage of humor and mechanics that works. Yet DDS outdid themselves with this tome. While a support book to their main series, it is deserving of mention as a hilarious addition to the repretoire of DM and Player alike. Even better, they dropped sneak peaks of behind the scenes things being worked on!
If nothing else, the content can be reflavored as something else. Perhaps wielding the powers of citrus fruits is not your lot in life and you'd prefer to simply wield acid. Perhaps the call of the KnightKnight isn't for you and you'd prefer the title of Gallant or Knight of the Realm. The fact remains that if you'd prefer to live a less flavorful life, the mechanics within are all completely viable and just a step away from different names.
For the rest of us, the Fondue Cannon is far too hialrious to not use.