I was really disappointed with this project. First, while I'm sure that a lot of work went into it, the artwork is very rough, almost appearing hand-drawn. I wish that I could have seen a preview because it would certainly have influenced my willingness to purchase this. While the maps are accurate to the adventure, and in full color, their appearance strikes me as almost primitive. I'm not sure if this was the intent or not, but for the price I paid, I prefer that my maps be crisp and clean. It is gridded, though the grid is very rough, not at all straight lines, and this makes it difficult to place a grid over it (like for Roll20, for example). The biggest thing that struck me is that it is missing levels 6, 7, and 8 (the author does state that some levels are missing, to be fair). To the author's credit, the maps are accurate, are provided in both VTT and print forms, and are designed such that certain shifting elements in the module can be easily duplicated. Overall, I feel that there are superior products available, for less money.