The Cyberpunk game I have been looking for.
I bought the premium softcover and pdf.
It is a short book but the quality is awesome and so much packed into the core.
The supplements look fantastic, I am going to grab them all.
Are there any more supplements on the horizon?
This game is great. The system is wonderful and I will likely use it as my go-to system. There are only a few games I have ever read that out of the box are so streamlined and are ready for solo or group play w/o have to make any real changes. The system is the same as Freeform Universal 2e, but I can tell that some great playtesting went into the system. Threats are so easy to make you can do it on the fly. I am unsure if the math around the mechanic holds together at higher dice pools. With it being so simple I am unsure if it even matters. Huge fun, quick read, great expansions with Skins, Grid, and Psions. If you are interested in a game that just gives you what you need, this one is wonderful. We are using it for a game based on the Arcane TV show, while we did have to make some new Trademarks there were no changes needed for the mechanics. I cannot wait to see what else the folks at Peril Planet inspire with us next.
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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review. I really appreciate it. :) I am so glad you are enjoying the game and having fun adding to it for your own enjoyment. Thanks for sharing what you are doing! |
Tag based, fast, the mechanics tie directly into the narrative, really feels like cyberpunk.
Strong Forged in the Dark influences, and DNA shared with Technoir and Lady Blackbird.
While I have not run this yet (so my review is based on reading the game) I have not been this excited by a rules lite system in years The game is beautiful, the dice mechanics elegant and the system just makes my mind spin with creative ideas. So good.
an absolute jewel of a rpg.
in a few pages, the book gives all that you need to run a cyberpunk-themed game, from a oneshot session to a long campaign.
Straightforward tag-based rules with plenty of give in them. I'm playing in a game right now and it is a whole lot of fun, enough so that I picked up the rules. Very setting light - but leaves plenty of space to create your own cyberpunk city. The supplements have a little more worldbuilding but again the emphasis is on making the game your own.
Thank you Nathan for this game. I love what you did with the system, it's a slick mash-up of good things, with an original identity. I can see Fate and BitD inspired bits, lot of elements that are tags, and that you can easily reskin. I mean, you can play a high fantasy campaign with this small book, just changing the names of the Trademarks, Cyberware, or Vehicles... :D
I like the vibrant layout and art too.
Also, I strongly suggest to get the inexpensive auxilliary book, in particular Skinjobs, fantastic to play Eclipse Phase campaigns using this cool system, and not the overcomplicated, crunchy, stale d100 official one, and Psion, so you can do Shadowrun, or other urban fantasy (or any fantasy, indeed :D).
I hope you'll evolve the original F.U. RpG too, using the elements you put in this NCO.
A very simple system with scope to be used in a variert of manners.
For me a combination of other system dice mechanics, but all fit together neatly.
Took a while (I am slow) to realise that triggers are like known skills, Edges are like specialisations and flaws...well flaws are good ways of building out a plot.
Very easy to apply to any genre (recommend buying the additional source books to see how diverse the rules can be) and our group is spending time building a sci fi game from the rule basis and building out an entire lore that matches with the rules. Need a new race/culture - simply build out the Trademarks and triggers to suit.
I do think a few additional mission/plot/source books will pull more people into using the world, for those that prefer having something pre-built and available. But as the author indicates...this is the framework for you to fit anything you want around it. So similar to Shadowrun Anarachy (in many ways) its possible to start with these rules and then use other source books to add that flavour. Personally i would like to see more from the author in world building/mission building as i am a fan of having a little more structure...but that is more of my own personal preference.
In summary good combination of other dice mechanics all brought together for a very fluid system. System is very flexible. Bring your own lore to ensure you start with the depth needed for an ongoing game. if you want just quick 1 shot missions then you have all you need in one very neat little package.
This is a fantastic game, even from people that comes from more traditional Games.Its simplicity coupled with its smoothness and non-binary results allows you to create interesting stories. I really recommend it!
Best modern cyberpunk game, no doubts about it. Funny, easy, quick: it uses some of the well known storytelling game staples in a completely revamped "classic" style language. The book is nicely written and laid out, the PDF is perfect and the sheet is clean. Absolutely evocative and full of inspirational material, it stays on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of word / page count and that's an IMMENSE plus! Highly reccommended.
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Thank you so much for this review - I really appreciate it! |
For years i try to find a game that can give me the same feelins of the good and old CP2020 but without all the crunchyness and the systemic issues.
NCO is the only game that really satisfied me after years of searches.
Is a fast game that you can set up potentially with zero prep, with a easy but great resolution system that trasmits the feel and the mood of a CP world.
This is a must have if you love the genre and TRPG.
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Thank you for taking the time to write a review! |
This is a great game and the print copy is perfect. Small, light, storytelling game with a dice pool mechanic that resolves conflict nicely.
Cyberpunk like Steampunk is more a "color palette" than an actual rule system; however, the rules in this game are tight and fun. This is a very minimalist crunch system with all objects in game having a “tag” that can be either good or bad. I relate these “tags” to “aspects” used in the Fate System. Each tag (both good and bad) add dice to a dice pool, but only the highest good dice counts toward a success.
Highly recommended.
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Thank you for the review - it is much appreciated! |
The rules are so perfect for cyberpunk. My group loved it and we were up and running in no time. In a genre burdened with extreme crunch, this game is a refreshing change.
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Thank you for this review! |
Fast, simple, and versitile! This game presents the world and the options with tremendous clarity and the system is fast and allows for creativity and improvisation at the table. The book is well presented as well, with good layput and excellent selection of evocative art. The GM is free to tailor the sandbox setting to fit the exact tone of cyberpunk they are trying to create or model. The die mechanic is very simple, but creates tension in play.
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Thank you very much for this review! It is appreciated. :) |
Neon City is just great! Fast and efficient mechanics, outline of a cool world. I really recommend it to everyone (not only cyperpunk fans) because the mechanics will be suitable for other settings.
Thanks a lot for this great product and I look forward to new additions to Neon and settings on this mechanic.
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Thanks for taking the time to write a review - I really appreciate it! (Sorry it took so long for me to reply.) |