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The Corn Dolls & Fortunate Sun: Sandheart Volume Two $11.95 $9.95
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The Corn Dolls & Fortunate Sun: Sandheart Volume Two
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The Corn Dolls & Fortunate Sun: Sandheart Volume Two
Publisher: Chaosium
by Antony R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2021 05:26:20

This is slowly becoming my favourite RPG setting. Just love it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Corn Dolls & Fortunate Sun: Sandheart Volume Two
Publisher: Chaosium
by Diana P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2021 15:54:09

I finally played through the Corn Dolls, and my players loved it. The explosions, the horror, the creeping realisation over several sessions of just what they were up against...

It is brill. It is so worth the money. It builds on the previous book, although it could also stand alone, and it's a massive helping of awesomeness, laid out helpfully for the GM. The handouts are fab. The everything is fab.

Buy this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Corn Dolls & Fortunate Sun: Sandheart Volume Two
Publisher: Chaosium
by Evan F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/21/2020 09:42:42

This is a review of Sandheart Volume Two, in its revised form (spoiler, it builds on the great value of the original and develops into a truly superior product).

Sandheart has rightly become a phenomenon and trendsetter for Jonstown Compendium. This is the second volume of the (so far) three part sequence which creates a new corner of Glorantha, firmly built on the foundations previously laid, but allows a GM and players to go someplace outside of the bounds of the official publications to (though it seems hardly possible) someplace more weird, more madcap, more wild and a bit more rock and roll. Beyond providing solid value in its main scenario, the Corn Dolls further developed the wild frontier of Sandheart, a poor outlying settlement without the harsh and glorious Sun County of Prax, adjacent to the Zola Fel River Valley and in the neighborhood of the city of Pavis and the ancient Rubble.

Sandheart has a wonderful and trendsetting product history as well. The first volume was one of the first products on Jonstown, and it provided the foundation for a unique and exciting campaign. Volume Two (this product in its original form) added to it and gave another great adventure with mystery, mythic significance and action. Then, building on those successes, Volume Three came out with the all the skill in adventure and world design in tact, and the ability to increase the production values.

Then a curious and wonderful thing happened. The authors invested in the product, not just going forward, but looking back. Volume One was remastered with new content and art (a free upgrade for the original purchasers) and that tradition carries forward for Volume Two. This is now a great product made even better with vastly increased and improved art, design, cartography and content. An entirely new scenario is added in. If, like me, you bought the original, this miraculous new version is yours already!

If you have not purchased this, you are still in luck. This wonderful product has hours of adventure in two scenarios, and hours more in the expansion to the base setting from Volume One. Get Volume Three and pray for a Volume Four, because these are classics and master classes in how to put together your corner of Glorantha. Your Glorantha Will Vary, and we can only hope to do things as wild, wonderful, gonzo and glorious as Sandheart.

Highly recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Corn Dolls & Fortunate Sun: Sandheart Volume Two
Publisher: Chaosium
by Richard M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/31/2020 13:07:51

This is a well put together investigation which gets the characters involved with their jobs as militiamen (at least several of ours were), several different points and people of interest, each with their own agendas (hidden from the players) and a nasty deity. Red herrings can be included easily and the characters are unlikely to know the difference. You soon know what effects you're up against but pinpointng the cause can take a while.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Corn Dolls & Fortunate Sun: Sandheart Volume Two
Publisher: Chaosium
by Jacob W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/15/2020 11:05:58

A superbly written adventure! Much attention to detail and cleverly drawn maps added a lot of character to the adventure. Very much look forward to the next one!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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