I feel like the names are a bit too cartoonish and silly sounding. It feels uninspired in that some surnames and first names are repeated. I couldn't imagine my PC's taking these names seriously. It is nice that they added occupations, quirks and a posession, and maybe if you have time to workshop with it you can produce something workable, but I'm just not sure how useful it is as a resource that looks like it's intended to rapidly populate a setting on the fly in game.
There's some pretty creative club names on this list. They put thought into it. Not bad for a buck.
Great table to fill the computers in your world with clutter. Well written, descriptive and believable. Great value for less than a buck!
Not quite as many useful tables as the first book. Definitely buy that one first. The 2nd half of this book is all names. Decent value for 3 bucks though, or if you need what's in this book, but not as good as the first book in my opinion.
Great value. Lots of thought put into these tables. You can use these to make your game interesting. The encounters are fun because they're not just combat based, but you can have a lot of fun making NPC's and RPing with them. Much better than other Cyberpunk tables available at similar price points.
Similar to Vol 1, Corp names seem contrived. Descriptions of the corps and the problems they have don't make sense in context with each other. Some problems or descriptions are repeated on the table. This is quantity over quality.
Corp names seem contrived. Descriptions of the corps and the problems they have don't make sense. Some problems or descriptions are repeated on the table. This is quantity over quality.
For the price I really wish I was getting a physical magazine, considering most of the PDF has already been released for free, and half of this comes as attachments when you get the Corebook from DTRPG... Here, you're basically just paying for the 7 pages of exclusive drones DLC, and the rest of the book is a compilation of all the free DLC so far into one document.
Having said that, the drones are really cool and useful, and all of the free DLC thus far as been awesome. If you don't need more drones (but of course you do), then you can download the rest of this book in segments from the R Tal website directly for free and save your cash...
....but if you DO want the drones, they're pretty sweet. They can be terrifying enemies for your PC's, tools for your NPC's to acomplish their objectives, and if your PC's can afford them, very rewarding tools for them to explore your world, if they can keep them without you as the GM destroying them. Even if you want to change the aethetics, but use the stat blocks, they're very useful. Ultimately, that is what you're paying for with this book.
I'd say this is great for both GM's and PCs to have as a quick reference. While I actually have the physical Data Screen, I'm going to print this out for my players to use at the table during combat to keep the game moving faster and cut down on "rules lawyering". I also really enjoy the artwork. Great value and a must have for any GM.
Pretty good table. Definitely some interesting things on here if a benevolent GM wanted to reward a player. It would be nice if they provided rules and descriptions for how some of these items work, but a good GM would be able to come up with some mechanics for it on the fly if they look over the list before hand. Or you can just move to the next item if the one you roll seems a little overpowered to give your players.
Great table for a buck. It is exactly what it says it is. Each entry is actually pretty interesting. Nothing too unbelievable. They put good thought into these. You could easily turn any of these into a thread for your players to pull to turn into something bigger if you're creative enough. Or "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
So here's the deal. There's no stats or descriptions in this. If you're looking for descriptions of how the traps could work and what happens. Nah. This just listerally is a list of trap names. Sometimes the traps names just feel like random words strung together and make you scratch your head. If you want descriptions, stats and details, after you roll, you'll basically have to go into your core book, find the closest approximate trap to it and then work that out.
I mean maybe this could be useful if you're in your preplanning phase and you're planning a dungeon and you have the time to say "ok what goes in the next room" and then have time to look up the stats or homebrew it. Otherwise, if you use this in game because you want to enhance your sandbox, you'll have to make it all up on the fly...
4 cool items to add to your game for less than 13 cents a pop. Worth it.
For Game Masters both experienced and new, this data pack is worth it's weight in gold! Tons of resources to open up the sandbox with the 20 things tables. Great screamsheet adventures that I will be incorporating into our campaign. If you're a GM this will help you bring a lot of joy to your players.
For players, I will say, this is a great gift for your Game Master for them to incorporate into your campaign, but do not look inside as this contains basically 100% spoilers.
Incredible game system. I'm having so much fun running this game for my friends. We used to play 5E before this. Safe to say that we're now firmly a Cyberpunk RED table. It's presentation is easy to digest. While certain parts of the book may feel redundant, specifically some tables are repeated, to me, it helps to have the tables easily accessible as relevent to the topic where they are discussed.
While some may criticize that weapon categories are too "streamlined", compared to 2020, I see it as a benefit for my players who are learning the system. It is incredibly friendly for GM's and players to manage. For those looking for the nuance of 2020, you can always use the "old guns" conversion DLC to bring those elements to your CPR game from the Blackhands weapon guide. Also through the Tech role, literally almost anything is possible as far as weapons creation, making endless possibilites for your players, item wise. You're only capped by your imagination and the availability of resources that your GM allows you, if you really need something that isn't already covered without being redundant. Not to mention, R. Talsorian is consistently supporting the game with new item DLC since its release.
The system is incredibly adaptable to whatever playstyle or home brew you may want to bring to your game. If you're a 5E player looking to cross from nice cute fantasy into realistic sci fi, with Rainbow 6 level tactical gunfights, and brutal melee combat where every hit point matters and theres no magical healing spells to bail your PC's out of bad decisions; if have no experience with cyberpunk and you may have been intimidated by 2020 rules, but always wanted to try it; if 2077 intrigued you before its release, and want you want to bring that energy to tabletop; if Cyberpunk 2020 was fun to you but nowadays feels antiquated compared to newer game systems; this is the game for you! I really see this game growing in popularity as more and more people discover it, especially, as R.Talsorian is continuously releasing new DLC and expanding what's possible for your players to do. Try it!