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Wanted: Dead or Alive - A Collection of Dastardly Criminals for Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons $12.95
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Wanted: Dead or Alive - A Collection of Dastardly Criminals for Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons
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Wanted: Dead or Alive - A Collection of Dastardly Criminals for Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Dale H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/15/2024 19:36:43

Excellent springboard for sandbox campaigns. Just throw a handful of wanted posters at your players (which look awesome), and let them decide which leads to tackle. Comes with easily printable versions of wanted posters and details of each criminal, who range from innocent individuals being framed, to the thoroughly Evil. Lots of fun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wanted: Dead or Alive - A Collection of Dastardly Criminals for Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Christopher C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/07/2020 14:20:16

What a clever supplement, beautifully designed and chock full of dastardly and uniquely interesting villains easily inserted into any adventure. I definitely plan to use one or more of these "Wanted" villains in an upcoming campaign to add an extra twist in the road for the PCs, and every one of them would be easy to integrate with a wider plot--a prompt for getting characters to explore a particular location, a reason for forming alliances or rivalries with NPCs, etc. Equally important, the rich details provided by the authors along with the great printable or digital wanted posters help flesh out the world to make it feel real and lived-in. Even if the PCs decide not to pursue collecting one of the posted rewards, the fact that they saw the poster and know it's an option helps give the world depth and verisimilitude beyond the linear confines of the campaign's primary quest. Highly recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wanted: Dead or Alive - A Collection of Dastardly Criminals for Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by V.J. H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/01/2020 02:37:07

I got the chance to review this product and it was a great pleasure. Every single individual featured on the Wanted posters was unique and felt alive like I could drop them into my game without much prep and they would be a fully fleshed out and realized person. Anyone that picks up this product will be adding a great resource to their collection and tons of fun to their game.

Check out my full review here:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wanted: Dead or Alive - A Collection of Dastardly Criminals for Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Cameron D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/03/2020 08:12:34

I freaking love this book - so so so so so so much. Very often I find myself in a scenario where either I don't have any good plot villains left in my bank because my players have MURDERED ALL OF THEM, and then all I got left are some whimpy shadows of who those guys or gals or persons were. However, enter Wanted: Dead or Alive, and all my problems are solved. If you are a DM like me who struggles sometime with getting villains or antagonists made fast and well, then look no further than this awesome awesome book. 89 pages of criminal goodness, and all at your fingertups $13.00 - a steal honestly, this should be more. If you don't grab this book, then you are missing out. It is useful, needed, and vesatile, which is why it earns the Comics, Clerics, & Controllers Golden d20 Badge.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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