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CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed $4.99
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CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed
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CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tricia M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2023 22:16:31

This is the first T2 adventure I decided to pick up and run as a DM. I enjoyed the playing through it and just as much preparing it in full with the optional encounters. It's easy to sort out and there's definitely enough variance for players to have something to do in between.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by G. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/15/2021 19:29:23

Punishing players for failing skill checks with spending inordinate amounts of downtime (e.g., fail a check, the WHOLE PARTY loses 5 downtime) is just a completely unreasonable thing in an AL module. That isn't the way that downtime is supposed to work--especially given the amount of downtime that a player can accrue over their lifetime.

Also, the whole "if you attack this random shark, you get a TPK" thing is definitely rude.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Alejandro H. R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/10/2020 12:50:24

This is really one of my favorite T2 mods. I love the whole story, and how it connects to the Clover Group series. The traps setup are very interesting, and have a lot of huge benefits. I loved the BBEG. It's gonna be something that my players will remember for the rest of their D&D lives hahaha

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by David G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/04/2020 20:38:25

I enjoyed this running this module and liked the use of tool proficiencies as a way of collecting information. Small group and of lower tier. Most enjoyable and some fun with NPCs.

Making tool use of value in a module is novel and I would like to see more of it. I think it could also use some options for appropriate skills of value here.

I think some of the events and abilities rolls could be scaled better for lower APL groups (10d10 damage is possibly a TPK for level 5 characters). (Also the carrying of 500lb of meat might be hard for small groups)

Nice work

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mike G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/30/2020 11:47:14

I ran this adventure recently and worked it into an ongoing story I am running the players through by picking Modules that fit into a specific storyline. Overall it went very well and was well received at my (online) table as well it was fun for me to run. A personal highlight of our adventure we have a very fire speel heavy wizard. Our last ptwo advnetures took place on the Elemental Plane of Fire where those spells were basically useless, he was so happy to be in a land of Ice until the Frost Worm turned out to be immune to fire...

Pros: The way the party gets pulled into action is a breath of fresh air over the standard "meet in a bar to agree on a job". Also by being pulled in I found that made it really easy to do a very minor add-in that lined it up with an ongoing storyline. From an exploration point of view, exploring Stygia and Tantlin was great and added a lot of depth to the adventure and even made for some exceptional Role-Play through working characters backgrounds into the search through records. I loved going through the tower and there were some nice rewards for players as well, the downtime day mechanic was nice to have something differant happen in an adventure.

Con: The only minor con I have for this is I felt the final fight was a little underwhelming for my party (and they chose not to engage Sekolah), I was hoping the easy victory would push them into trying the much larger bad guy but they declined anyway.

Still this is a very solid adventure that has a lot to offer both the players and the DM, high recommendations from me, will be looking at other adventures from this writer.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jared R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/13/2020 23:23:51

This was one of the best Adventurers League modules that I have had a chance to run. Nothing groundbreaking or amazing, just a very solid adventure thats very thematic and does what you hope to do in a 2-4 hour time span. The atmosphere of the frozen wastes of Stygia complements the Asgardian NPCs well.

None of the typical "Rich NPC/Poor townsfolk want to hire you to do something then proceed to talk your head off for a half hour" opening act. The story hook and call to action get you right into the adventure with no wasted time. Yeah, someone needs your help, but they need it NOW, no time to talk this out. Any time I see that out of AL its refreshing. You can roleplay with the NPC while combat is going on. Not a novel concept but something that does not show up often enough in AL.

Part 2 is an investigation. The transition from act 1 to 2 seems a bit awkward but once you get going its fine. This portion will satisfy your roleplayers and was still fun despite the investigative part being a bit of a let down, being just a series of die rolls after your done with the NPCS.

Part 3 features a very tough, very tense combat that uses its environment and a timer clock to enhance tension.

There are two optional encounters to extend the length from 2 up to 4 hours. One was nice, with a pair of puzzles and a couple rooms that had some nice interactivity. Be aware though, the puzzles can't really be used if you play on Discord. The second bonus encounter just seemed like a throwaway combat. Its fine if your group enjoys combat but I decided to skip over it.

Read aloud text is not as long as I usually see in 5E adventures (thats a good thing), but still had some empty exposition that could be cut down and made a bit more evocative. Formatting is pretty good compared to other AL adventures. Monsters of course are stuck in the back of the book instead of in the actual encounter so your forced to waste time flipping back and forth. Yes, I know its not the authors fault, its WOTC but its still an issue. Formatting still has the usual 5e bloat but it at least boldfaces or bullets the important information so its not hidden in a wall of text.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GSP02-02 Stygia Untamed
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Alison A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2020 05:49:44

I really liked the mechanic on how to gain information about the location of Bulkawa’s soul. Highlighting something that is often overlooked by players is I think a really nice touch. Not many mods really call for players to use their kit proficiencies, using that sections to actually allow players to maybe use something they’ve forgotten they had is great. The only caveat to this however is if the part doesn’t all that many proficiencies in those kinds of tools. Of the 7 players I had only about half had proficiencies and three of them were in instruments. I had to be a little lax in with the requirement of the proficiencies with some of the task because I didn’t want it to just be all of them busking for information. I think opening up those tasks to those who may not be proficient could be a good thing. Of course, provided that the DM be incredibly clear at the start that when they fail they do lose downtime days. The usage of the downtime days was also something very cool about the module. Most players don’t really think about their DT unless they trade often or if they’re a wizard. So having the repercussions of their failures affect that was great. I ran using discord so it was quite to difficult to run the Northsong Tower door entry puzzle. Unfortunately I had to switch it to a different puzzle, but if I run it again after quarantine, I’ll definitely update you on what players think. The shark tarrasque was definitely intimidating upon first read. Normal players I think wouldn’t normally go out and seek the Shark Father, so having it there as a looming presence was great in adding tension to the final fight. Overall I think it’s fun mod that forces to players to think creatively.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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