This was one of the best Adventurers League modules that I have had a chance to run. Nothing groundbreaking or amazing, just a very solid adventure thats very thematic and does what you hope to do in a 2-4 hour time span. The atmosphere of the frozen wastes of Stygia complements the Asgardian NPCs well.
None of the typical "Rich NPC/Poor townsfolk want to hire you to do something then proceed to talk your head off for a half hour" opening act. The story hook and call to action get you right into the adventure with no wasted time. Yeah, someone needs your help, but they need it NOW, no time to talk this out. Any time I see that out of AL its refreshing. You can roleplay with the NPC while combat is going on. Not a novel concept but something that does not show up often enough in AL.
Part 2 is an investigation. The transition from act 1 to 2 seems a bit awkward but once you get going its fine. This portion will satisfy your roleplayers and was still fun despite the investigative part being a bit of a let down, being just a series of die rolls after your done with the NPCS.
Part 3 features a very tough, very tense combat that uses its environment and a timer clock to enhance tension.
There are two optional encounters to extend the length from 2 up to 4 hours. One was nice, with a pair of puzzles and a couple rooms that had some nice interactivity. Be aware though, the puzzles can't really be used if you play on Discord. The second bonus encounter just seemed like a throwaway combat. Its fine if your group enjoys combat but I decided to skip over it.
Read aloud text is not as long as I usually see in 5E adventures (thats a good thing), but still had some empty exposition that could be cut down and made a bit more evocative. Formatting is pretty good compared to other AL adventures. Monsters of course are stuck in the back of the book instead of in the actual encounter so your forced to waste time flipping back and forth. Yes, I know its not the authors fault, its WOTC but its still an issue. Formatting still has the usual 5e bloat but it at least boldfaces or bullets the important information so its not hidden in a wall of text.