The fine folks at Darker Hue have outdone their previous superlative work on the first edition. There's more of everything in this one: more history, more adventure seeds, more fantastic art, and more full-blown adventures. It also has the best advice about how to make your games welcoming to diverse players that I've ever seen in and RPG product (not that it has a ton of competition in that regard).
One thing that's not being brought up in the marketing material is that even the scenarios that previously appeared in the first edition are rewritten to be more dynamic and easier to run. Honestly, with the (possible) exception of Masks of Nyarlathotep, this is the finest product offering for Call of Cthulhu ever. If you play CoC, have thought about playing CoC, play an RPG of any type, or just are interested in living for a while in 1920s Harlem, you owe yourself this book.