This review is 100% honest and unbiased. I only point that out because I want people to not miss out on this supplement because it is truly one of the absolutely best supplements you can add to your game. Non-magical weapons and armor in 5e leave A LOT to be desired. Once your character buys his/her chain mail and longsword, bang, upgrades are over until you get lucky enough to find a magic weapon and/or armor, but this supplement changes ALL OF THAT. The Armorer's Handbook offers a TON of additional non-magical properties that can be added to weapons and armor that improve them significantly. Not only do you not have to rely on getting lucky with loot, this handbook also makes skills like blacksmithing, weaponsmithing, armorsmithing, leatherworking (you get the idea) FAR more interesting and valuable to your players.
The supplement is about 50 pages long (the PDF version that is), but there is no wasted space. It is packed with information and it is absolutely one of the very best supplements available for D&D 5e. My players would lose their minds if I decided to stop using the optional rules inside.
Buy it, buy it now. You won't regret it.