I came into this after being a fan of the base Tiny D6 system. That and looking for some mechanics for a tavern or other restablishment building. While it does provide a bit of the latter, it strays away from "rules light" into convoluted by adding mutiple types of tests using cutesy verbage that would require frequent looking up of to keep straight.
As for the art, they went full on furry/disney style and it doesn't do it for me at all (acknowledging art is subjective). The internal art is all B&W pencil sketches which isn't too big of a deal, but some of it looks like it wasn't cleaned up and some pieces are repeated which seems to be a lame attempt at filler.
In general, it's super touchy/feely with character sheets referencing characters' "emotional wellness" and "moods" along with emojis. It seems to be designed for kids and teenagers. If that wasn't the intent, I don't know many RPG tables ever wanting to play it as is. I wish it was more accurately marketed as such or at least that there was a more extensive preview so that I could have made a more informed decision.
That said, I give it a couple of stars for having a decent layout along with hyperlinks (PDF) and for providing a handful of ideas I can use elswhere.