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Wranglers of Westhallow - Beginnings collection $14.99
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Wranglers of Westhallow - Beginnings collection
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Wranglers of Westhallow - Beginnings collection
Publisher: P.B. Publishing
by Cody F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/10/2020 16:46:02

It's light-hearted, it's clever, and it's fun. It's pretty much just what it says on the tin, and honestly, that's a great thing. Alex and Phil have written some very fun and interesting material with a weird, wild west flair that would be a fun addition to any game with the proper treatment. The production values are top-notch and truly professional. Solid game design is important to me, even on something that isn't super dense and heavy material, so I appreciate that in this one. Check out the description, and if you think it MIGHT appeal to you, then I can pretty much assure you that it will. This is a no-risk prospect for you if what I have to say matters at all to you.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wranglers of Westhallow - Beginnings collection
Publisher: P.B. Publishing
by Jeremy E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/10/2020 09:42:58

What a fun collection of material! The adventures play up the Wild West theme and add some nice resolution mechanics to make encounters more than simply combat. I was most impressed with the campaign setting portion. There's more than a dozen locations with interesting ways to incorporate fantasy races into the setting and plenty of hooks and ideas for a long home campaign or just additional fun one-shots exploring the area. It struck me as a good light-hearted addition to an Eberron game set near the Mournlands to account for the creatures encountered. Very well done.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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