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Modern AGE Basic Rulebook
Publisher: Green Ronin Publishing
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2021 19:16:01

I'm a huge fan of AGE games. GR have built one of the funniest, complete and dynamic approaches to modern/traditional gaming. Modern AGE is the way to go for modern settings ranging from gritty horror to high stakes cyberpunk. The implicit bits of the Threefold settings make this product even more fascinating, with tons of multidimensional possibilities and the chance to change the mood session by session. Chris Pramas knows how to do it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Modern AGE Basic Rulebook
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Mörk Borg English
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2021 19:13:35

This is how to write innovative game with the good ol' school fashion. This is a huge jump forward in philosophy, concept and game design. It's not only about the aesthetics: it's easy, deep, crazy, dark, hackable. Can't wait for more. It's as good as swedish death metal.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mörk Borg English
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Aliens & Asteroids
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2020 16:49:24

Aliens & Asteroids (and i20 ad well) is a concrete example of two fundamental design factors: accessibility and theme. I love intricate systems and some storytelling engines ad well: here you can find a good balance of those elements, with easy to grasp mechanics and a lovely background to enhance the "feel" of what is a dark action oriented sci fi. You can dig deep into the political intrigues or just sit down and play a wondrous alien-style mission with dread and psychic struggle; or you can grasp the feel of some space marine goodness along with some well thought dice rolling. Overall, this is good modern design, with an (probably not so hidden) emphasis on (simple and effective) gamey mechanics. 5 stars.

If you are looking for a simple and deep, tablet friendly, sci fi rpg with a nice compromise between hard sci fi and 80s movies feel, just grab this and you won't be disappointed for a second.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Aliens & Asteroids
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OneDice Abney Park's Airship Pirates
Publisher: Cakebread & Walton
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2020 09:50:51

This is a universal review to be applied to all of your products: OneDice Games have pushed me back towards a lovely sense of purpose and quick play with hidden depth, which I like. You have passion and love and that deserves 5 stars. We are knowing each other a bit since I am the Marco compulsively posting content your facebook page. One, simple "advice": I would probably put a little more effort to add unique features to the genre books. This is not a heavy critique, more of a marketing too actually. :) They are still fun and useful to anyone wanting a specific asset. Keep on designing!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
OneDice Abney Park's Airship Pirates
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OneDice Fantasy
Publisher: Cakebread & Walton
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2020 09:49:39

This is a universal review to be applied to all of your products: OneDice Games have pushed me back towards a lovely sense of purpose and quick play with hidden depth, which I like. You have passion and love and that deserves 5 stars. We are knowing each other a bit since I am the Marco compulsively posting content your facebook page. One, simple "advice": I would probably put a little more effort to add unique features to the genre books. This is not a heavy critique, more of a marketing too actually. :) They are still fun and useful to anyone wanting a specific asset. Keep on designing!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
OneDice Fantasy
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OneDice Supers
Publisher: Cakebread & Walton
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2020 09:48:54

This is a universal review to be applied to all of your products: OneDice Games have pushed me back towards a lovely sense of purpose and quick play with hidden depth, which I like. You have passion and love and that deserves 5 stars. We are knowing each other a bit since I am the Marco compulsively posting content your facebook page. One, simple "advice": I would probably put a little more effort to add unique features to the genre books. This is not a heavy critique, more of a marketing too actually. :) They are still fun and useful to anyone wanting a specific asset. Keep on designing!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
OneDice Supers
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OneDice Universal Revised
Publisher: Cakebread & Walton
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2020 09:47:59

This is a universal review to be applied to all of your products: OneDice Games have pushed me back towards a lovely sense of purpose and quick play with hidden depth, which I like. You have passion and love and that deserves 5 stars. We are knowing each other a bit since I am the Marco compulsively posting content your facebook page. One, simple "advice": I would probably put a little more effort to add unique features to the genre books. This is not a heavy critique, more of a marketing too actually. :) They are still fun and useful to anyone wanting a specific asset. Keep on designing!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
OneDice Universal Revised
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OneDice Hauntaway
Publisher: Cakebread & Walton
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2020 09:45:15

This is a universal review to be applied to all of your products: OneDice Games have pushed me back towards a lovely sense of purpose and quick play with hidden depth, which I like. You have passion and love and that deserves 5 stars. We are knowing each other a bit since I am the Marco compulsively posting content your facebook page. One, simple "advice": I would probably put a little more effort to add unique features to the genre books. This is not a heavy critique, more of a marketing too actually. :) They are still fun and useful to anyone wanting a specific asset. Keep on designing!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
OneDice Hauntaway
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Heroes & Monsters
Publisher: MHGames
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2020 09:30:20

I got some other stuff from Hassel and he doesn't miss a single hit. Nice BX/The Black Hack hybrid, with lovely layout and accessible structure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroes & Monsters
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Publisher: Lazy_Litches_Loot
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2020 09:24:44

This is how a setting should be written. This is an insanely well done sourcebook. Planning to use it as a sandbox in various games: I see this (no matter how weird it feels) easily usable even for more narrative games, since I really feel the dark-ish mood and storytelling potential of personal struggle, intrigue and the like. Just one note: I would have reminded factions with some wording rather than images only in the (still awesome) factions relationships sheet. Btw, this doesn't change anything: this is nuts and highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Four-Color FAE
Publisher: Four-Color FAE
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/31/2019 21:38:49

Awesome file to expand on super powers or even magic in your Fate Accelerated games. Elegant, brillant, adds depth with no needless complexity. It contains various inputs how to set up powers and balance them out depending on the tone. The only constructive criricism is the format: I would re-edit it in a more tablet friendly digest size, to make it the real ultimate deal it deserves to be! 5 stars anyway.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Four-Color FAE
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Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells
Publisher: Old Skull Publishing
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/27/2019 22:25:20

This piece of work is INSANELY good. As for Dark Streets and Darker Secrets, this is a must have for many "not only" reasons.

  1. Not only it is insanely well laid out, but every single paragraph is a potential source of inspiration.
  2. Not only you can find whatever you need with almost no effort, but you can easily discover a new perspective just by "listening" to Nogueira's voice. And this leads to...
  3. Not only this is well written with insane accuracy, but it is both open ended and personal. You feel like he's just talking and telling his dreams and days spent at the table to his sons. No kidding. I feel the passion I feel when I read Gygax work or the fluidity of B/X d&d.
  4. No only you have an insane number of USEFUL table (caps intended, since while it's easy to fill a book with tables, it is not easy to write a book using tables as an actual part of the writing), but each table contains from ten to thousands campaign ideas. I read the book three times in a row and cannot stop creating, rolling, thinkin. Thank God.
  5. Not only you don't feel the "weight" of a 400+ pages book, but you get the benefit of a full game system + setting + options + variants + equipments + adventure + USEFUL tables in a fluent language without a single hole (if you don't count the black holes you might dive in if you don't pay attention to the addictive nature of Nogueira's writing).
  6. Not only you can manage fantasy/sci fi/space opera in a single tome, but you never feel it's too much. The way the iconic concept of Galactic Overlords is put, or the way factions and places are treated, teleports you into this giant universe where your diezel punk attitude can easily co-exist with an "horror in space" series, since "sorcery" is nefarious and adversaries are lethal, even the ones you never meet.

Not only mr. Noguieira pays a passionate and intimate homage to the old school feel, but he managed to do it putting on your table a modern intensity and an easy engine with infinite depth. Get a couple of d20s and a bunch of d6s, start experimenting together with the ultra funny mix and match of "liberal" character creation or just stick to an archetype and embark whatever adventure you wish.

Noguieira manages to re write the old school spirit and concept, learning from the past without being a heartless grognard. He is a smart guy who started with a whisper and now's screaming into the RPG ocean raising another giant wave that, I hope and feel, will get a proper rendition.

This game, along with the line of the other OS games, enter hands down the top 5 of modern systems.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells
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Dark Streets & Darker Secrets
Publisher: Old Skull Publishing
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/31/2019 20:53:11

Ok, done. I love your style. I didn't have many chances to play your games, but now it's time to go past the reading and just sit down in darkness! Waiting for my physical copy!
I love EVERYTHING about this book.

  • the layout is gorgeous: easy to read on my Fire 7 tablet and incredibly dark and haunting.

  • love the art. It is inspiring, sometimes funny, sometimes horrific.

  • love the way you TALK to the reader. It's like listening to someone sharing his greatest passion. I support tons of "non mainstream" projects (Tiny d6, LFG, Unity, Spahn) and play tons of historical games (Fate, MYZ, Shadowrun), but finding a book which is both USEFUL and ALIVE is damn hard. You hit the soft spot of both the storyteller and the gamer that's hidden in me. XD

What most people should get about your work (similarly to what Spahn and Bahr do), is that there is much more love, difficulty and passion in a game where every table or single line is actually telling a story.

I will get Solar Blades too as soon as I can and I'm very happy of your OS/GKG cooperation, since both of you are within my favourite designers of all times.

Kudos everywhere. Marco

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Streets & Darker Secrets
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Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/23/2019 17:58:24

This is a recent discovery and it will definitely change my way of gaming. As I did after discovering FATE Accelerated and Gumshoe, I grasped a new perspective on fantasy (and not only that!!) RPGs. This system, while light and minimalistic in nature, it is not limiting in any possible way. The author, through a cunning and compelling writing, shows with is clearly its deep passion for playing games without the weight of actually doing it. You just sit down and go "test please" as a GM, while your players track a minimalist (and still fun to customise) character sheet, where you don't find many numbers, just ways to gain some edge over other characters or enemies in specific situations. Put this along with a smart use of the advantage / disadvantage mechanic (which is not the one we know in that other game), an unbelievable amount of traits you can mix, match and alter to your needings, optional rules expanding the core ones without adding any single bit of crunch... Put this all together and you get a modern, classical, cunning, light-weight, customisable, easy to pick up fantasy game.

The microsettings are insanely good, fun to read and I can't wait to smash them together for a world I'm building (this game put the will to create a whole setting back into my head)! Planning to do this and play a Freeport campaign using this system. I feel like it may basically fit any genre and sub-genre with almost no issues, as long as you are mentally flexible enough to accept its simplicity.

Highly recommended to new gamers and veteran as well, yuou CANNOT MISS THIS.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition
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