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Tribebook: Ceilican $6.00
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Tribebook: Ceilican
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Tribebook: Ceilican
Publisher: White Wolf
by Victor L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/15/2022 14:55:10

Always heard rumours of the Fae Cats and finally here is their story. This covers everything from their mindset, to the reason they decided to take shelter in Arcadia. By shelter I mean willingly enter enslavement. This is an answer to a mystery of the World of Darkness. Take an exploration of one of the coolest cats ever.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tribebook: Ceilican
Publisher: White Wolf
by DSC T. G. C. _. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2021 09:01:33

A great sourcebook that gives players and storytellers alike a view of the history of this Bastet Tribe, detailing their place in the world of the Fera. It provides us with details of their society, their gifts and fates. We personally liked the depth of thought that went in painting the conditions that drove the Ceilican to seek refuge in Arcadia.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Tribebook: Ceilican
Publisher: White Wolf
by Christopher R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2021 11:41:17

BLUF: If you incorporate mixed Bastet or Changelings into your Savage Age chronicle, then definitely pick this up. The tribe book attempts to establish an identity outside of the angle from WtA that the Ceilican are only defined by their imprisonment in Arcadia. It truly does flesh out the tribe to being more than the victims of the fae. From my perspective, the book provides them an identity to the Bastet tribes similar to how the Bone Gnawers are to the Garou nation. The value vs cost is spot on. With an expansive update, I could see this book going for $10 and not feel cheated in that price.

Criticisms: Similar to the other two tribe books currently available, the book can use a good once-over to bring it in line with the developments that have been fleshed out in Vol 1-3 of the main SA line. Going deeper into some of their lore and how they were able to balance out their new found fascination with hominid's technological advances and their connection to the Wyld and dreaming would also have been of benefit to the book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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