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Ravenloft Gazetteer: Making Monsters [BUNDLE] $9.97 $4.99
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Ravenloft Gazetteer: Making Monsters [BUNDLE]
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Ravenloft Gazetteer: Making Monsters [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/23/2020 15:50:06

Ravenloft Gazetteer: Making Monsters [BUNDLE]

Like a Vampire Prince Whilhelm Scream [Pronounced:. Aiiiiieeeee] holding his taloned hand out to you on his Magic Flying Rug of Smothering, Oliver Clegg (@deathbybadger)can show you a whole new world in a three stop trip around Domains of Dread.

Lamorida! Clockwork, Blizzards and Gloomstorms Tell me reader, when did you last refuse to let death decide?

Odiare! [oh-dee-AR-ay] You can never close painted eyes An eternal hell for Guiseppe Is this just Disney’s Pinocchio?

The Nightmare Court Lullabies and hushabyes Nightmares where you scream “No” Mullonga knows Jagged nails will have you screaming

Three Ravenloft Gazetteers full of creations, locations and lamentations for less than ten dollars. A blessing or a curse?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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