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Fight Fire with Games - Wizards of the Coast [BUNDLE]

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Fight Fire with Games - Wizards of the Coast [BUNDLE]
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Fight Fire with Games - Wizards of the Coast [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2020 11:27:15

Fight Fire with Games Bundle – Wizards of the Coast

While this may not be the most jam-packed of the bundles, this is still a boatload of official Wizards of the Coast goodies at an absolutely ridiculous price!

You’ve got adventures, a dungeon, some adorable and ridiculous races. What more could you want!?

DDIA-MORD Rrakkma (5e) A 9th level adventure with pregenerated Gith characters defending their people against the dreaded Mindflayer invasion! How often do you get to kick Illithid ass-tentacles!?

DDIA-XGE Underworld Speculation An intro Adventure using goodies from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything that brings you to their sewers, so would certainly work on a Dragon Heist game!

Dreams of the Red Wizards: Dead in Thay (D&D Next) A love letter to killer dungeons...sounds like fun.

Locathah Rising (5e) In quite the opposite to the above, this is an adventure of fun, friendship and silliness as pregenerated Localth characters.

One Grung Above (5e) The official unofficial adorable poison-skinned Grung race that’s only for funsies or if you’re DM is cool. Plus the gang from the live event.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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