Fight Fire with Games Bundle – Adventurer’s League
My brain is melting and I keep trying to come up with an opening grandiose statement, but what I really want to say is...
I like big bundles and cannot lie! Even better when they’re for C-H-A-R-I-T-Y!
This is such an epic amount that they mobile site can’t even display them all, there’s just too many! Not too many, many, but many, many awesome Adventurer’s League adventures of many awesomenesses.
Over 30 because some of the adventure supplements have multiple adventures or are mini bundles themselves. This bundle has some many adventures that their supplements have got bundles and they have adventures. Like lotses. Did I mention mini missions, because it has them too.
(I don’t think anyone can tell I’m somewhat delirious with a chest infection, but moving on many...)
Work for a brewery, search for treasure and terrors in an ancient sunken city in Moonshaes in a full 3 part arc, investigate the mystery of the missing villagers where no one can hear you scream, explore a dark fairy tale with everyone’s favourite Hag (after Baba Yaga and Morgantha), Jeny Greenteeth, traverse a magic man’s magical mansions that magically reappeared magically, attend a dinner party at the top of a ziggurat in Zhent slums, delve into ancient ruins for a magical magic item to make the fanatics stop fighting, help a gold dragon fiend their old friend, go spelunking in caves that under an island because that sounds safe, discover who or what have been luring ships onto the rocks, an award nominated cursed hamlet in inclement weather, flora and fauna sounds line the place to visit, solve the mystery of magical going on in a moonrise orphanage, tackle organised crime with claws, stop a wayward son reviving a cult and getting his own Djinn, investigate fey in a Hillsfar sewer, reign in a magical tree ready to blow a whole in the plane, aid Zhentarim refugees and their burning ghetto, rescue a noble house’s heirs from a dungeon and assassins and other things, navigate a labyrinth and its prehistoric prisoner, be guided around hell by a helpful Imp, rescue a gnome scientist from a newly discoverer Underdark civilisation, do all sorts in a Hobgoblin fortress, attempt to thwart the Cult of the Heir in a Duregar psionic research outpost, and have multiple nightmares in Mulmaster!
So just a few things you can do in here then!