What's going on is awful. This, and by extension, the other bundles, are a beautiful thing that does some good. It raises money for a very worthy cause, as well as brining together so many wonderful creators and their spectacular goodies for you for an unfathomably low price!There's just too much in here for me to wrap head around. A bunch of things I've left in depth five star reviews of, Warriors of Sehanine and The Most Dangerous Game, come instantly to mind, as well as many more wonderful things I can't wait to get to like Uncaged Anthology 3! This is a bargain just for Uncaged 3 on its own! My mind cannot contain the awesomemess contained within and the fact it's for a good cause. In a dark world this is something truly gorgeous and wonderful. Don't forget to check the other bundles out too! This is a second Christmas and a chance to help a good cause! Treat yourself!