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Rust Hulks
Publisher: The Goat's Head
by Raymond (. W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/19/2020 15:31:51

Awesome! Amazing! Finally, the game that will get me over the bump towards MCing a PbtA game. After reading and tinkering with so many of this ilk over the years, along comes a rulebook that is easy to read with its conversational tone, easy to understand with pages of narrative and mechanical examples, and if Rich Rogers and his Star Wars reskin is to be believed ... easy (and fun) to run! Check it out! First, listen to the +1 Forward podcast interview of Mr. Sorensen, then listen (or watch) Mr. Roger's Star Wars reskin actual play (via Youtube or on the Gauntlet Hangout podcast). Finally, buy it and then demand more from Mr. Sorensen, share what you create, and above all, have fun with your family and friends.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Rust Hulks
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