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Phaskolar - A Koala Race for D&D 5e Pay What You Want
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Phaskolar - A Koala Race for D&D 5e
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Phaskolar - A Koala Race for D&D 5e
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2020 21:52:10

Phaskolar – A Koala Race for D&D 5e By James “Jarsofjams” Woltman (@JarsOfJams)

“The Phaskolar wander the rugged wilderness, following the path set before them in their dreams...”

“This Homebrew race was created in response to the ongoing bushfire crisis in Australia. All proceeds will be donated to a reputable charity supporting Koala conservation and aid. Help keep these beautiful creatures in our world by bringing the Phaskolar to life in yours!”

This supplement opens with a fascinating paragraph of lore describing the Phaskolar and their ability to hold visions and memories from the past, presence and future in their minds, and to commune with the” collective subconscious of the natural world.”

Hardy Wanderers

Phaskolar are short, secretive and simple adorable folk.

Searching with Purpose

Phaskolar spend their lives wandering until they find their true calling and devote themselves to it entirely.

Phaskolar Traits

Ability Score Increase

Phaskolar have a single fixed main ability score with a second one floating.


Phaskolar begin their journey in their teens and some have claimed to be many hundreds of years old.


The Phaskolar’s calling has the most effect on their alignment.


Phaskolar are wee light climbers.


Phaskolars give up a little pace for their versatility.

Wanderer’s Iron Stomach

Phaskolar are adept foragers even where little is available and have a hardy constitution to go with it.


Normally for babies, Phaskolar have a handy belly pouch to keep things in.


In deep sleep, Phaskolar can commune with nature, learning more of their surroundings.

Special Thanks

“A special thanks to my loving partner, Mouse, for helping proofread this and inspiring me to make it in the first place, and to nature lovers the world over.”

This is a genuinely fascinating and thoughtful race, which takes the base inspiration of the koala and adds some of the most inspired lore for a race I’ve come across in some time! There’s such a wonderful concept surrounding their journey, calling and their sleepy communion with nature.

With the varying and unique nature of where they end up and the journey there, I have so many different ideas for characters from the wistful, roaming teen Druid Hermit to the wizened, mindful Monk Folk Hero and so many in between.

This really is something special, inspired and for such a good cause! Get yourself some adorable and versatile furry friends and help find an important cause!

For more details on the inspiration and charities:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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