I've run this game once and hope to play again tonight. The game shares its theme with the recently released Alien RPG from Free League Publishing. I've run that game five times.
I love both, and if I was going to run a bug hunt type adventure set in the Alien Universe, I would use Alien RPG. I like the D6 dice pool mechanics, how stress works, and the overall design is top shelf.
Mothership is as an approachable system for all kinds of Sci Fi fun. I find myself feeling constricted in the Alien game, in terms of a similar type of storyline each time I would run the game, variations on bug hunting. I realize this is partly my doing, but that's the feeling.
Mothership, to me, doesn't share this limitation. Mothership exudes verve and a kinda freefall gonzo approach to storytelling that pulls you into the drama. Plus, I love the charactersheet built with the rules to build the character, inspired idea!
In short, I love both games, but I lean toward the flexibilty of stories you can tell with Morhership over Alien.