Solo hexcrawl, hunting for vampires in a region of towns, villages and countryside. The main hunter should be powerful, with useful magic (and other) items; a sturdy companion should accompany. (An example is given: Belladonna, whose past actions provide some of the backstory.) Excellent variety in the encounters: sometimes good tactics or investigation tips the odds in the PC's favour; other times you need to rely on martial strength as combats find you. The master vampires have different quirks and abilities; other monsters appear; no two combats are too similar. Some of the battles are very exciting, the result on a knife-edge. Opponents are sketched in a few flavourful details; there is a plot afoot with the PC picking up snippets from letters or conversations. There are sufficient rumours to follow up to keep play moving. It is important to map, and the region has enough geographical variation to be interesting without creating bottlenecks. Occasional random encounters prevent play becoming too predictable. You can vary constraints such as time allowed and starting money to give replay value.
Links seem to work, with two exceptions: in 181, it would be better to ignore 160, as those who don't investigate have to refight a combat they recently completed; in 163, linking to 27 is preferable to 140. Two minor errors: in paragraph 92, "He" rather than "Her"at the start of an early sentence; in 163, missing "in" before "his past". Well crafted, and should provide hours of enjoyable play. Good art. With a little imagination, could be restatted for a system like WFRP or Runequest. Some similarities to Grailquest, (with a few key encounters near the edge of the map to encourage exploration,) but this is even better.
One of the best solos ever written. Highly recommended.