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House of Moonlight (CCC-UNITE-05 ) $4.99
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House of Moonlight (CCC-UNITE-05 )
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House of Moonlight (CCC-UNITE-05 )
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Karianne F. H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2024 07:02:21

I have ran almost the full series by now. Due to limitations I only run 2h adventures, so running without bonus objectives. I have realised that some of the adventures are definitely better with the bonus objectives included. If I were to re-run the series now, I'd include the bonus objectives and rather run all the adventures across two sessions.

Also, beware that if you are not running the bonus objectives, you should still read and know the content, as it is often relevant for later adventures and the narrative parts that replace the bonus objectives. I didn't discover this until quite late in the series, having failed to give my players some relevant information.

This first adventure is one of the best in the series, and it could easily have been split into two adventures in itself. The first half on the surface and the second half in the Underdark are very easy to split into to separate sessions. There are interesting interactions, although I did struggle to motivate some of my players to participate in this without haggling for payment.

The information about rewards and payment is reflected by the season it was written in, so this has to be adjusted to current rules.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for running, and appreciate this review and those left for the rest of the series! The use of Bonus Objectives was a mandatory requirement for creation of adventures under this program at the time, so there is some play with different integration of them between the adventures.
House of Moonlight (CCC-UNITE-05 )
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Calvin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/10/2022 19:06:19

I started running this series as a mini campaingn for my home group and they loved getting to know the various houses and learning how to interact with them beyond "drow=bad, must stop them" Zethlentyn is a great setting and I am looking forward to building the party's next adventures from their new home base.

For any DMs looking to run the adventure it includes a primer about the main drow settlement and the major houses, but leaves plenty of room to insert your own groups as needed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks so much for leaving a review - hope you enjoy your further adventures!
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