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The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank (Wranglers of Westhallow) $4.99
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The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank (Wranglers of Westhallow)
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The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank (Wranglers of Westhallow)
Publisher: P.B. Publishing
by Cody F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/31/2019 20:29:37

Folks, this is a western-themed adventure that is lighthearted, clever, and fun. OK? Don't try to make it something it's not and you'll be in good shape. The characters are inventive and original, but they also hit all the right notes with the tropes they draw from, as well. You certainly couldn't throw this adventure wholecloth into a grimdark slaughterhouse romp, but you're also not supposed to. A little modification would probably get it there, honestly. You could change the main antagonist to a combat servitor and more or less play this ins the 40k universe if you really wanted, now that I think about it a little more. But anyways, it literally says what this is intended for right on the tin/box/wrapper. And does it succeed at it? Absolutely. This adventure is so much fun. Lots of original ideas, lots of fun character interactions, and lots of exciting combat. I really enjoyed reading through this, and I have every intention of running this in the very near future. The production values are great and fit the tone perfectly. This is a very professional product that treats itself exactly as it should, and I appreciate that very much. Downsides? Ugh, the puns. So many puns, guys. Like... a lot of puns. OK fine, not that many, but puns make me want to die, and this one just about killed me. But that's about it. Pun-kryptonite aside (I am indeed Superman, of course), just spend your money here already. I don't know how else to explain this to you.

Full Disclosure: I publish other stuff (not this) with PB Publishing, and I was provided a free copy of this adventure in order to provide an honest review. If that makes you think I gave a favorable review I didn't mean, then you are welcome to call the cops. Or just pry open your wallet and spend less than 5 bucks for literal hours of entertainment with your nerd friends, kids, etc. as you play through this. 10x cheaper than the movies and 100x more entertaining. It's really fun, it looks and reads great, and it's inexpensive. What more do you want? 5/5 is a no brainer for this one.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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