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Realms of The Underground: Underground Oracle Quarterly Vol. 1

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Realms of The Underground: Underground Oracle Quarterly Vol. 1
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Realms of The Underground: Underground Oracle Quarterly Vol. 1
Publisher: Underground Oracle Publishing
by Thomas C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/02/2020 15:01:27

This was the first supplement I purchased when I learned of Underground Oracle. The amount of excellent content you can find in here is absolutely epic.
I have no regrets making this purchase.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Realms of The Underground: Underground Oracle Quarterly Vol. 1
Publisher: Underground Oracle Publishing
by Matthew F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/27/2019 13:25:26

Keith and Jess do it again! This amazing Quarterly puts together the massive amount of work, blood, sweat, and tears that Underground Oracle has poured into their work since they started creating 3rd party supplements. Everything that has been released this quarter, along with some super-secret (hush hush) new stuff, only seen here in this supplement. Right now, as I type this, it is only $5.99, which is complete madness. Everything they put out into the world is polished, well done, and mechanically sound. I haven’t been able to find a single thing I would change. The lore that comes with every piece is so well thought out, I can imagine being right there, involved in whatever story is being told. With the new super-secret race, it is so easy to put yourself in the shoes of this new group of people and figure out how your character would live their life. Overall, this quarterly is fantastic and would be the perfect addition to any DM/GM/or Player’s repertoire. Or a great late holiday gift since I posted this after Christmas. Seriously, buy it, read it, all 68 pages. It’s worth it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Realms of The Underground: Underground Oracle Quarterly Vol. 1
Publisher: Underground Oracle Publishing
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/17/2019 17:29:09

I will get around to doing a in depth review when I get the chance, but I had to leave a quick review because this is something else!

The Underground Oracle (@UOPublishing), Jess (@JessPendley) and Keith Pendley (@UO_Keith), have been releasing incredible amounts of supplements wirh regular releases and phenomenal quality. Their own phenomenal creativity and care coupled with the artists they regularly work with have created a beautiful and instantly recognisable style.

There is a clear understanding and love of D&D, as well as a wondrous world they are creating. Release by release, they are crafting treasures and sharing glimpses into their magical realm, but in a modular manner that makes them compatible with any setting.

Just look at what is included in this collection, which has been professionally put together into its own tome, rather than simply merging PDFs together.

11 Archetypes! Each one has its own depth and flavour, making them unique and covering new and unique aspects related to their world-building and provide both player and DM with inspiration.

New Fighting Styles allowing for greater variety of Fighters, Paladins and Ranger. They actually make the whip a viable and cool main weapon!

Various Spells, including class specific collections. My Warlock had a lot of fun hurling Volant Darkness at their enemies. Who doesn’t hurl shards of darkness!?

Some weird, wonderful and downright creepy creature, including a section on parasites, a creature template and extensive background and lore.

Two awesome festivals to add to your games with full descriptions and fun accoutrements.

A Faction and a Cult that have so much depth and have truly been an inspiration in my games. Both have wonderful lore and associated magic items.

There’s some interesting places, encounters, a Sidekicks or Rival, variant rules, game options some very cool adventuring gear, plus upgrades and merchants for it, as well as an awesome new race I am in the process of creating a character for with the plans of using one of the included archetypes.

These are good folx creating some serious wonders of incredible quality in every sense, and I cannot tell you what a pleasure it has been to see these incredible creations come out. I am absolutely in love with the world Jess and Keith have created and simply marvel at their quality and consistency.

This collection is a steal at the full price and an absolutely ridiculous deal for this offer and/ or through their Patreon ( There’s so much awesomeness, I don’t know how they managed to contain it in one mighty tome of brilliance.

Do yourself, your players and/ or your DM a favour and dive into the wonderful world of The Underground Oracle and enjoy their incredible creations. They will delight, inspire and amaze!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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