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City of Heroes RPG Quickplay Pack
Publisher: Eden Studios
by Lily G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/15/2019 13:45:04

The full game was never released, even in the years between this coming out and City of Heroes eventually shutting down. So this quickplay pack is all that really remains of this particular tabletop adaption.

It's interesting, and tries very hard to replicate aspects of the MMO that maybe it shouldn't. A curiosity more than anything else at this point, if you played City of Heroes and were interested in how it might have gotten adapted to tabletop play, well, it's free. Check it out. Maybe even try running a session. Don't plan on it going beyond one session, though. There's lots of other, much better, and actually complete superhero games you can play.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
City of Heroes RPG Quickplay Pack
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The Witch - A Dungeon World Playbook
Publisher: Liberi Gothica Games
by Lily G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2018 18:55:09

A fun, flavorful playbook which provides some classic witchy moves and ideas to play around with. The mechanics here are interesting without being complex or confusing, and everything comes together really well into a great alternative to the core classes for someone who wants to play a magic user. Potions are just fun to make! The cover art is very cute, too. I'd say this is a must-have for Dungeon World players looking to expand their playbook options, and is easily better than any other Witch-themed playbook I've encountered.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Witch - A Dungeon World Playbook
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The Star Mage - A Dungeon World Playbook
Publisher: Liberi Gothica Games
by Lily G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2018 18:52:00

This might be my favorite Dungeon World playbook, period. It's so fresh and interesting, with powers that are usable in both combat and social situations, and just the right amount of flavor. I've been trying to find cool playbooks for a game I want to GM, but reading this made me want to play a Star Mage immediately in someone else's game. A very cool thing about the Star Mage is that this works in just about any setting imaginable, since you're really just an odd Thing from Somewhere, and your abilities are just as useful in a fantasy setting as they would be in a modern, superhero, or sci-fi one. It's wonderful.

The artwork for the cover page is really evocative too, which is a nice plus.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Star Mage - A Dungeon World Playbook
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The Princess, a Dungeon World and FAE playbook
Publisher: Headpigeons Productions
by Lily G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2018 18:48:35

Incredibly charming, this class playbook hits a good mixture of classic Disney style princesses and more anime or JRPG style feisty princess characters. This class is focused on social interaction more than combat, so it might not be perfect for all games, but the moves here are so cute I just love it a lot. I can't classify this a must-have but it's very good, and I'd love to see more playbooks from this author.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Princess, a Dungeon World and FAE playbook
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The Dashing Hero - A Dungeon World Playbook
Publisher: Liberi Gothica Games
by Lily G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2018 18:45:32

Incredibly flavorful class, and a very stylish alternative to a fighter or thief, especially for players who like their characters to be more (in)famous and boastful. This one slots perfectly into just about any traditional fantasy setting, and feels flexible enough to work beyond that too. I'd call this a must-have for Dungeon World players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dashing Hero - A Dungeon World Playbook
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Inverse World - A Dungeon World Supplement
Publisher: Liberi Gothica Games
by Ryan G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2018 18:27:32

A really creative and evocative setting with new classes that all feel super super interesting. They've got just enough detail to be used very flexibly, which is always a worry with Dungeon World content. This hits the right balance between solid flavoring and being open-ended. The classes are great outside of the included setting too (though one or two need some flavor changes to not be related to the setting-based god but that's easy to do). Highly recommended for anyone who's into Dungeon World and looking to freshen and expand their experience.

There aren't a lot of tabletop sourcebooks I've read that actually surprise and delight me with character mechanics, but this was one of the rare ones that really delivered. Very worth the price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inverse World - A Dungeon World Supplement
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