Real funny, great content. Better than Dragon of Icespire Peak.
Only issue I had was the way the auxilliary content was numbered instead of named.
[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank so much, that's probably the biggest compliment I could wish for! :D
In regards to the auxiliary content: I assume you're referencing the notes being named *.png? That's a fair point, I'll give them proper names in future releases.
Thanks again and have a nice day!
Video review: Of Icespire is a wonderful addition to your Dragon Of Icespire Peak, Lost Mine Of Phandelver, or homebrew wilderness campaign! I love the diversity of creatures, quests, and encounters, and even the formatting and art presented in this supplement evokes a strong sense of adventure. This book is another fantastic installment to Eichhorn's series of noticeboard materials and to any DM's collection!
Christian Eichhorn's typical work is a masterful blend of content, form, and functionality. Secrets of Icespire is no different. It has bar-setting production and can be used whether you have played the Dragon of Icespire Peak or Lost Mine of Phandelver campaigns or not. Check it out!