The Garradrugh is a great class for nature-enthusiast DMs and players of the druidic persuasion! The core feature of this class is a symbiotic creature, the beocryd, which fills a garradrugh with pure, natural magic. The primary features appear well-balanced, and I particularly like the 2nd level Planting Strike feature -- dealing an extra 1d4 force damage and attempting to bind the target in roots and vines! At level 3, a garradrugh's beocryd specializes, allowing the player to choose one of SIX unique subclasses (certainly more than what is usually provided by 3rd-party classes). The subclasses also come with the optional lore of only six garradrugh existing on one plane at a time, inspiring a campaign ideas of the other garradrughs, or even their sacred grove, coming under threat of destruction!
The formatting of the class table and some images could be improved, several cover art characters' body-types are oversexualized compared to most 5e art, and the quick-build recommends making Strength and Wisdom your primary ability scores while Strength and Charisma are the basis of the garradrugh's features. Some of these critiques are easier to resolve than others, so I hope the creators will consider these points in future releases.
For any 5e setting where the nature world (or its absence) plays an important role, I recommend the garradrugh!