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The Garradrugh
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The Garradrugh
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Sam W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/15/2020 12:16:30

What I really love about The Garradrugh is that it's one class but offers a choice of many distinct play styles. I could easily see an entire campaign built around a party comprised solely of different flavors of this class!

I'm quite impressed with how unique AND versatile this class is, definitely recommended for anyone playing a nature themed game. I can see how some DMs may have difficulty balancing this class as there are some rather powerful abilities in here, but I really don't see that as a drawback, if anything it gives a great opportunity to confront your players with bigger groups and stronger enemies that you may not otherwise be able to play with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks so much Sam for taking the time to do a review for this big group of tree kids. I really appreciate that you love it as much as I do!
The Garradrugh
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Miguel G. L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2020 12:12:48

The Garradrugh is a behemoth of a supplement. Beautifully put together, wonderfully structured and ass-kicking at its finest, this class is perfect to build an adventure around, one for druid lovers and Celtic aficionados.

Worth noting that a lot of its features could be unbalanced and overpowered in certain circumstances, but a lot of classes are indeed circumstantial, so the Garradrugh is not incredibly out of place. My suggestion for running an adventure around this class is mainly due to its features--if they are indeed unbalanced or overpowered for certain people's tastes, running sessions that are meant to make adventurers feel like they are indeed forces of nature, this would be a perfect fit.

Its subclasses are distinguished and flavourful and a succinct experience. I highly recommend a thorough read and having fun with its lore and mechanics!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks so much Miguel for taking the time to review the Garradrugh. Balance definitely is not my strong suit - hence why Ryan had to par down my monsters that were the first draft. But you hit the nail on the head, these beasts are meant to make players feel like absolute beings of natural power.
The Garradrugh
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Matthew F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/27/2019 13:16:58

This is a wonderful addition to anyones collection. Inspired by actual Celtic myths and legends, this class brings such versatility to the game. I was excited to read it and I'm even more excited to play it. You can build anything: from a shield using fighter, to a summoner. This class is unique and special. My only complaint is the lay out of the class table, but that is no big deal to me. I'm never one to dock points for layout, unless something is just physically unreadable, this is no where close to that. All in all, this is a wonderful addition to the game and would make a great resource for every DnD table.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Many thanks for the review, Matt! I am still getting a hold of layout, and that table was giving me ulcers trying to finangle it - but I am super glad you enjoy the class. Lot of work went into it.
The Garradrugh
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Robert M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/26/2019 14:18:47

The Garradrugh is a great class for nature-enthusiast DMs and players of the druidic persuasion! The core feature of this class is a symbiotic creature, the beocryd, which fills a garradrugh with pure, natural magic. The primary features appear well-balanced, and I particularly like the 2nd level Planting Strike feature -- dealing an extra 1d4 force damage and attempting to bind the target in roots and vines! At level 3, a garradrugh's beocryd specializes, allowing the player to choose one of SIX unique subclasses (certainly more than what is usually provided by 3rd-party classes). The subclasses also come with the optional lore of only six garradrugh existing on one plane at a time, inspiring a campaign ideas of the other garradrughs, or even their sacred grove, coming under threat of destruction!

The formatting of the class table and some images could be improved, several cover art characters' body-types are oversexualized compared to most 5e art, and the quick-build recommends making Strength and Wisdom your primary ability scores while Strength and Charisma are the basis of the garradrugh's features. Some of these critiques are easier to resolve than others, so I hope the creators will consider these points in future releases.

For any 5e setting where the nature world (or its absence) plays an important role, I recommend the garradrugh!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Many thanks for the time taken out to do the review - all definitely things to work on in the future! My crux is always that I focus too much on story and not enough on mechanics - a work in progress. With the art, going to hopefully remedy that in future pieces.
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