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Midwinter Ghost Stories
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Midwinter Ghost Stories
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Christopher L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/27/2020 12:15:32

I was so delighted to find so many Masque of the Red Death products coming out in addition to the new 5e Players Handbook (extremely happy with this book), that I quickly bought up everything I could find in realtion to the setting here on DMsGuild. That being said, I'll be honest, I've been pretty disapointed with some of the work that was done in this area, BUT Midwinter Ghost Stories, is exactly the type of adventure I would have created for my own group. From the first few pages it is pretty clear that the author has a special place in their heart for Charles Dickens(One of my favs too!), and it comes out in the writing. When it comes to Gothic Horror, a plot involving a "Haunted House" is without doubt one of my absolute favorites, and this alone would have left me quite content but then I find out Midwinter Ghost Stories is actualy an adventure module that ties a series of ghostly stories, or mini-adventures together that work well with one another as the players progress. Be rest assured though, even though they are mini-adventures, don't let that detract from the their fear inducing potency. They are extremely well written with deliciously terrifying story lines laden with some fairly disturbing content that should have all lovers of macabre grinning from ear to ear. I personally cannot wait to run this series for my own group around Halloween time, and I would recommend everyone else do the same. Happy Halloween! :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Midwinter Ghost Stories
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jay G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/22/2020 10:58:33

I'm predisposed to like horror adventure anthologies, but this is objectively one of the most rewarding horror adventure anthologies I've ever read.

The one downside of anthologies tends to be that low page counts generally equate to very little backstory and flavour, that is not the case here. All the adventures in this collection center around the Lovelace family and Lovelace manor. This means that in addition to being able to share some inital background material each story builds on the overall narrative. This results in extremely easy to run one-shots that none-the-less have a ton of narrative weight behind them. It seems so obvious reading it now, I can't believe more adventures haven't taken this route in the past.

In addition to the structure, the quality of the writting itself and the intensity and sense of dread discovery in the stories themselves is fantastic and rewarding. I don't want to spoil anything but imagine classic victorian-era ghost fiction with just a hint of inspiration by way of Lovecraft.

The one thing for potential purchasers to be aware of are the content warnings by chapter and I would encourage DMs to consider those and their group's sensibilities before diving headfirst into some of the content herein.

I bought this anthology about a year ago but got distracted and never got to run it. This year I think it will be the bridge from Halloween through Christmas in my RPG schedule and I'm sure my players will really enjoy it....or be scarred by it....either way, I'm fine.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Midwinter Ghost Stories
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/31/2020 20:42:30

Midwinter Ghost Stories, Produced by Cat Evans (@perpetualgloom)

"In the bleak midwinter Frosty wind made moan Eight haunting short adventures by authors of Uncaged, Eat the Rich, and the upcoming Book of Seasons."


Opening with a warm, festive quote from Dickens, the introduction positively holds open a door to let you in from the scary, dark outside to the warm interior of the anthology’s well-kept Victorian home like a an old friend;" It’s cold outside, and the wind howls loud and long, but in here the logs crackle merrily in the hearth and there is mulled wine aplenty."

How to Use This Book

The Victorian tradition of telling ghost stories at Christmas is discussed with this anthology being a continuation of that tradition, and where more appropriate than Ravenloft's Gothic Earth setting?

The adventures all follow the haunting of different members of the Lovelace family, "a noble house brought low by curses and misdeeds" over a period of 200 years or more. Each work as short, independent one shots with the family and the final adventure binding them all together. Advice is given for running and contextualizing an adventure on its own, as is the suggestion that a gaming group could alternate the DM responsibilities. Whether the fun of having different tale tellers or selecting a single adventure to explore, thrills and chills will be had. I also see this as a wonderful little campaign to inspire and scare while the dark and cold keeps us inside.

And Finally…

Due to the nature of the adventures, the use of Safety Tools and consent are strongly advocated for with links provided: html product/consent-in-gaming/

Playing in Gothic Earth

The setting and how that interacts with the regular aesthetic and rules of D&D are described and explained in brief, accessible chunks that allow the reader to get up to speed quickly and for easy reference. This include The Red Death and its effects on magic with a table of the standard and Gothic Earth amended casting times.

A stark, beautiful and informative family tree describes the Lovelace family generations.

"The first adventure in the book is particularly hard-hitting. Save it for a very dark night, with a group who completely trust one another to explore difficult topics."

Not quite night, but it's definitely dark and stormy outside, while I'm snug in bed listening to the wind scratching at windows, so I believe I shall begin with the first, with the intention to come back and review the further adventures another time.

The Haunted Manse of the Lovelace’s by Morten Greis (@MortenGreis)

"An adventure for 4-6 players with an average party level (APL) of 3."

"Content Warnings: References to and vivid, prolonged, depictions of infanticide, Murder, Hanging/strangulation/asphyxiation, Removal of agency (possession), Death by starvation/confinement"

Glad to see those content warnings. I genuinely got some goosebumps reading them, before I even started the adventure.

The Haunted Manse of the Lovelace’s is a fantastic take on the haunted house and gothic mystery with well-crafted horrors and macabre mystery aplenty!

I absolutely adore Farron Marie's (@NachosArt) portraits of the Lovelace family, with Captain Hackel Skjold Lovelace's being one of my favourites.

Adventure Hook

The party come to hear about Lovelace Manor, "a house so haunted it scared away at least one spiritualist who attempted to cleanse it, and whose owners are so frightened they dare not set foot in the house." They are challenged to spend one night in the macabre Manor, if they can get permission.

Adventure Background

I don't think I've ever read an adventure background that manages to pack so much cruelty, misery and woe as this does, with the Captain using a dark ritual to prolong his life at the cost of his sister's babies, resulting in the hanging of the accused maid in the attic and the sister being committed to an asylum. You can see why there are so many content warnings now!

Eventually the old Captain died, leaving behind an unsurprisingly extremely haunted house. Too haunted for a hired Spiritualist to cleanse, but can the party spend the night, learn of the tragedies, survive the ghosts and ensure the Captain stays appropriately dead?

Chapter 1 - On a Winter's Night

The Heirs

With the Old Captain's passing without children, the house went to a second cousin, but due to a fright from a female ghost they brought in a medium who fled without payment. Now she offers a significant monetary reward or the Captain's old boat for the party staying a whole night and driving out the ghosts, sending three servants along with them to run the house.

Chapter 2 - One Dark Night

Pieces of Family History

Clues to the Lovelace family history are dotted throughout the house in the form of journals, diaries, newspaper clippings and notes, as well as some information the provided staff can dispense. The broad strokes and rumours are clearly laid out in bullet points for easy preparation and referencing, and begin to tell the macabre tale of the told in the Adventure Background, while the more specifically located are covered in the corresponding room descriptions.

Exploring the Manse

The house is old, dusty, freezing and at the whim of the old Captain in the traditional creepy haunted manners; "floors creak when he wants, doors jam closed or glide open, fires or lamps go out, and branches scratch on the windows."

There are a number of rooms, each with their own horrors and mysteries to uncover:

The Dining Room has a terrible secret beneath the floorboards, Guest Rooms are provided for each PC, The Blue Room has more than a skeleton in its closet, the Master Bedroom harbors abhorrent truths if you hold the key, the Attic has a furious spirits lurking in its cobwebbed shadows, and the cellar hides a mummy who wants to be found.

These locations are provided with all relevant information, so that with the following ghosts and information you have all you need to spook your Scooby Gang all over the place.

The Ghosts of the Lovelace Manse

The ghosts in this haunted house have some understandable changes, making them hardier to expel, bound to return and unable to possess, all reflecting their strong emotional anchor to this place. They also have their own unique abilities and ways needed to banish them, both tied to their lives and deaths.

Captain Hackel Skjold Lovelace

Having done the unthinkable to prolong his life within his home, the Captain is intrinsically tied to the house, anchored through paintings where he can manifest, or if his shame is revealed...

He has the ability to drain life and actually age his targets, hurl fiery blasts and his ghostly form is immune to damage. Being so bound to his portraits, they are the onto way to truly harm him.

Ingrid, the Maid

Perfectly peaceful while blending in and pretending to be part of the staff, Ingrid flies into a murderous rage when found out.

In the attic she can compel a PC to hang themselves on the noose that ended her life, which is also one of the grizzlier ways to banish her.

Maude Lovelace

Dying of starvation attempting to sneak into the mansion through the coal chute, after escaping the asylum, Maude is bound to the borders of the house, appearing in windows and reflections mad with grief and rage.

Maude attempts to terrify and drain the PCs reaching through windows and mirrors, which she can move swiftly between. Smashing the windows harms her, though she only wishes to be reunited with her children and will temper her rage for those who treat them with care.

The Twins

Their lives stolen before their first year, the Twins hold no malice, despite how perturbing their haunting may seem. They try to bring attention to clues and at night they scream and cry from beneath the floorboards. All they really want is their mother.

These varied apparitions will give the party more than enough to contend with, as they help, hinder and attempt to murder the PCs as they go about their staying the night and searching for clues.


The conclusion is gloriously optimistic best-case scenario with the party finding rest for all, besides the Captain, who must be banished from the portraits. We shall see how that goes.


For staying the night, the party receive the cash or boat reward. There is a Black Tome in the Manor the party may wish to pocket, as well as the warm feeling of having helped lay some spirits to rest or damnation...

Author's Note

M.R. James and Arthur C. Doyle inspired this.

Author Bio

Morten Greis grew up near a haunted castle and ancient hill inhabited by elves. He has written many years for the Danish RPG scene. He blogs at and can be found on Twitter @mortengreis.

The Haunted Manse of the Lovelace’s has the important job of setting the scene and beginning the tale of the woe begotten family line, and it does with ghastly and lurid aplomb! This adventure has a truly gruesome and macabre backstory, which may be a bit strong for some, but is perfectly suited to the Gothic Earth and bringing the bleak midwinter shivers to those safe and warm by the fire. Due to this it is essential to have frank and open conversation with the players about the sensitive content and safety tools, as advised in the anthology's introduction.

I do so enjoy an adventure that provides all the necessary information, setting, story and opponents, allowing for a far more off the cuff game more easily led by the players. This style works especially well with a mystery and an enclosed location like this, giving the DM all the tools they need to be more reactive to the players. With this approach the DM can choose the perfect time for ethereal hands to reach through windows or when the little, spooky pitter-patter of ghost babies hinting at clues. Another great aspect of this approach, particularly for this adventure is the use of ghosts not only a way of controlling and ratcheting up the tension, but as a way of having more control of the time. With no time constraints, the ghosts can be used to slowly tease, terrorise and toy with the party, keeping them on edge and busy when they start to put things together, or conversely the ghosts can be used more overtly to speed things up, particularly with the hints from the twins and the aggression of the captain.

All the party really need do is stay the night, survive and collect their reward, but each room has enough tantalizing tidbits of the ghoulish backstory to pique interest and have players scouring the manse for more morbid clues. With the ghosts played well, according to their backstory, unique abilities and drives, everyone will want to know more about the horrors the house provides with an appropriate level of terror and the more combat-focused players involved. There's so much to see, discover and experience that the night will not pass quickly or quietly, but rather be filled with thrills and chills in the best of ways.

The Haunted Manse of the Lovelace’s is a fantastic take on the haunted house and gothic mystery with well-crafted horrors and macabre mystery aplenty! With this fantastic opening adventure, I'm extremely excited to see how the further adventures of this unfortunate ancestry play out.

Midwinter Ghost Stories Credits

Producer: Cat Evans (@perpetualgloom) Writers: Morten Greis (@MortenGreis), Jessica Marcrum (@Miss_Jess03), Oliver Clegg (@deathbybadger), Lena Meier (@yakyuu_yarou), Alicia Furness (@AliciaFurness), Kristina Sisto Kindel, Liz Gist (@crit_liz) Original Interior Art: Farron Marie (@NachosArt) Art (portraits), Cat Evans (family tree) Cartography: Cat Evans Additional Interior & Cover Art: Adobe Stock, Envato Elements, Wikimedia Commons Layout: Cat Evans

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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