The team behind the Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto adventure path has put together this amazing little supplement, a perfect introduction and summary of the world of Eberron.
I'm a relative newcomer to the setting myself, but quickly fell in love with it, but it's fair to say that like many I had several misconceptions coming into it - it is after all a world that has quite a few intricacies and twists to it that it can feel very difficlt to unravel it all sometimes - that it's not "high magic", it's "wide magic"; that it's not "steampunk", it's ..."dungeonpunk?", etc.
Luckily, this is no longer a problem - the authors of Eberronicon really know the setting in and out, and tasked themselves with the challenge of bringing together almost two decades' worth of canon and boiling it down to the absolute essentials that could fit in a fifty-page booklet - and truth be told, they genuinely succeded.
The book presents the information about the world very gently - it starts off with presenting the top-level distinctive features of the setting, followed by an overview of the races, major regions and locations, factions, and faiths - never delving too deeply, but always giving a good enough idea of what the item in question is like, with useful hyperlinks and references for those who wish to delve deeper.
This is the one supplement I would recommend just about anyone interested in the setting to have a skim-over of - possibly even before getting the big hardcovers like Rising from the Last War - while it doesn't feature any mechanical content, it is simply that good of an introduction into Eberron, whether you are a player, a GM or an adventure writer.
Now to wait for Keith Baker's Exploring Eberron to come out so the new and juicy information from that book can make its way here and make it that much more complete!