Baldur's Gate: City Encounters |
$6.95 |
Average Rating:4.6 / 5 |
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A really nice way to add a bit more to a BG campaign. Mostly pitched for Descent into Avernus so not everything is applicable to other campigns, but still a lot that can be adapated or adjusted to any setting. Includes a fantastic way to track city tensions and make real consequenses happen more long term.
I've downloaded a bunch of different supplements to expand the Baldur's Gate section of BG:DiA, and this is by far the best DMs Guild product for the module.
The tension system this supplement introduces is a useful tool to showcase the fact that Baldur's Gate has no good guys. Letting my players actually see the dirty side of the Flaming Fist, interact with the good and bad of the Guild, and experience the sheer darkness of the City of Blood has allowed them to better connect with the world and flesh out their characters.
Some of the included hooks don't comply with BG lore, and for best results you should read this supplement before starting to run your DiA campaign so you can lay out hooks, foreshadowing, and timely character introductions.
i highly recommend this product for anyone planning to run a campaign set in Baldur's Gate.
I'm not running Avernus, so only a few of the tension-related encounters are of use, but the neighbourhood encounters are flavorful, gameable, and inspiring.
It would be nice if they adopted a less verbose writing style: they'd be more usable at the table and we could fit more encounters into the same space - I'm keen to get more ideas from this author - but I know the excessive word count is pretty typical for 5e.
Encounter #3 in the Status Quo section describes a "cow stampede" that the players must deal with. Only, there is a very clearly defined law in the Baldur's Gate Gazetter section of the Adventure Book (It can be found under the following section: Citizenry, Commoners and Crews, just above the Patriar section) that bans animals larger than a peacock within the city walls.
A fantastic little addition to anyone's Baldur's Gate campaign. While the random encounter tables in the gazetteer in Descent Into Avernus are quite satisfactory, this product matches the format set out in the excellent Waterdeep: City Encounters product elsewhere on the DMs Guild, while also introducing the fantastic system for the five levels of tension in the city, which produce a feeling that ensures Baldur's Gate won't feel like any other city the adventurers may find themselves in. Excellent work.
These encounters do a fantastic job of bringing Baldur's Gate to life. Many of them can be resolved very quickly. They open new plot hooks, allow players to showcase their personality, and are easy to slot into any campaign in Baldur's Gate, whether you're running Descent into Avernus or not.
Thanks in part to this content, my players (currently running DiA) are happier running around Baldur's Gate solving problems and interacting with the city than pursuing the main plot.
The Martial Law -- Pandemonium meter, measuring how the party's actions influence the balance of power in the city, is a wonderful dynamic element that brings the city to life.
I highly recommend this for anyone running a campaign in Baldur's Gate!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you Joseph! We're very glad to hear that this product has helped enliven the City of Blood for your table. |
I really enjoyed this product. It’s something that I felt was missing from Baldur’s Gate: Descent to Avernus, both in terms of that official D&D adventure and among the attendant Guild Adept titles. The latter does have products featuring encounters in Avernus and Elturel, but nothing similar for Baldur’s Gate itself. This nicely fills that gap. I also very much appreciated how it based several of its encounters using the lore mentioned in the Baldur’s Gate Gazetteer from BG:DiA.
In terms of quality, it’s product that feels like it has the production value and overall look of a Guild Adept title. I also really enjoyed the Tension Meter – a novel mechanic that can thematically inform what types of encounters might take place in the city, based on the actions of the characters. This would be especially useful, I think, for a whole campaign that takes place in Baldur’s Gate, as opposed to BG:DiA, in which the heroes finish their adventure in the city relatively quickly in order to journey to Avernus. Anyways, overall, another excellent DM’s Guild product.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your kind words, David! We're really glad you enjoyed our product. The tension meter mechanic was a lot of fun to explore. |
I really enjoyed reading this product. The city encounters themselves are intriguing and easy enough to run. I'd never have time to run all of them, but have already spotted a few characters that I'd love to incorporate as NPCs in any game. The piece also includes a tension meter that's a clear, simple, objective way to adapt the city to your PC's decisions. Overall, really cleverly done and I'm excited to use it in my campaign,
Baldur's Gate: City Encounters is a fantastic expansion to your party's adventures in the City of Blood! The city of Baldur's Gate is dangerous; it is a darker, human reflection of nature's heartless power struggle between predator and prey, and this supplement encapsulates the unsteadiness of that power. The twenty "Tension Encounters" are based on the Law-Chaos axis of alignment, and expressed through the relative influence of Baldur's Gate's main factions, namely the Flaming Fists and the Dead Three. There are also twenty neighborhood encounters, linked to specific locations in the Upper, Lower, and Outer City. My favorite neighborhood encounter is #3 High Hall Temples, in which a vigilante priest wanting to upset the corrupt court system is planning his very own Gunpowder Plot! While the details of each encounter link them to this infamous Forgotten Realms city, they could be plugged into any urban setting with minor adjustments. Baldur's Gate: City Encounters is well-written, professionally formatted, and a simple way to enhance your group's tier one experience in Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus!
This book - with the powerhouse team of Arman, Gregersen, Joyce, and McAlpin at the helm - immediatly opens with Justice's Houston encounter that sets the tone of Baldur's Gate: City Encounters: This. Is. Real. I hate cities - always have and always will - and in recently running Descent into Avernus, I have come to haaaate Baldur's Gate. If I was born there, I would emigrate as soon as financially possible. This supplement adds a lot of material in just 27 pages, but I think my favorite thing about this book is the Tension Meter (which I am 100% swapping for future city encounters).
The meter has five points, with Pandemonioum on the far left, Status Quo in the middle, and Martial Law on the far right. Between Pandemonium and Status Quo is Unstable, while between Status Quo and Martial Law is Order. This is immensely clever and is really my favorite feature that is in this piece, as it is universally applicable. Otherwise, the twenty neighborhood encounters are well managed and well laid out, and the book's simple formatting makes it easy to follow and use. Overall, a great piece that I am glad I got a chance to review.
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