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Nakuko - A 1990's Scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Set in Japan $5.95
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Nakuko - A 1990\'s Scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Set in Japan
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Nakuko - A 1990's Scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Set in Japan
Publisher: Stygian Fox
by Jeff J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2023 04:26:43

I mostly enjoyed reading this. I would love to see it ran for a group of Japanese players.

I feel like it is important to note that this scenerio comes with recommended characters. The scenerio is written to be related to those specific characters. So if your players are bringing their own, understand that you may have to make some adjustments. These adjustments will be easiest if there is a female character among the investigators.

There were, however, two things that negatively affected my review. The first is that there appears to be an entire page missing. The sentence that starts page 12 is obviously not the end of the sentence that trails off on page 11. There was also a simple grammar error that slipped through and was a bit jarring. I'm actually surprised that Stygian Fox hasn't updated this product to fix the missing page, at least in the digital form. (or either linked to an errata or added an errata to the digital file.)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Nakuko - A 1990's Scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Set in Japan
Publisher: Stygian Fox
by Atsushi S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/20/2022 02:18:13

I'm Japanese. I played Nakuko with my Japanese friends. It is a good reproduction of traditional Japanese culture of the 1990s. It is interesting for players to experience the world of Japanese horror. It's fun to have a mixture of horror and funny developments during the scenario.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
どうもありがとうございます、 :) Stephanie
Nakuko - A 1990's Scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Set in Japan
Publisher: Stygian Fox
by Olivier A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/21/2022 15:40:35

This scenario is quite good overall, but there's one or two things that bothered me which are going to dampen players' enjoyment a little if any of them know even a little bit of Japanese. Most notably, the Japanese word "nakuko" (泣く子, the type of monster in this scenario) is made up of two extremely common kanji, that would literally be elementary-school-level knowledge to the investigators as well as most people who have taken beginner-level Japanese classes. It means "crying child' and is about as difficult to decipher as those two words are for an English-speaker. Yet they need to go see an eminent folklorist to decipher it! Any player who's taken entry-level Japanese classes has a decent shot at realizing this is ridiculous, probably embarrassing a Keeper with no knowledge of Japanese. This is fairly easily fixed, since the investigators don't just have to decipher the word, they have to find out what kind of creature it is, and the folklorist also helps them with that, so it's only a slight adaptation to make it so that all the invetigators understand the literal meaning of the word just fine with no roll; they still need to find out what it really refers to. I'm not sure why the author didn't write that part of the scenario that way in the first place, since it seems like they must have known it's a perfectly ordinary Japanese word that anyone would know. Of course, this is pretty minor since most players are not expected to have any knowledge of Japanese; then again, if they're interested in a scenario set in Japan, your players might be more likely than average to catch on to this issue!

The scenario itself seems very good otherwise. I don't remember any other egregious mistakes (that I would catch, anyway), the horror elements are quite good with many unnerving suggestions to slowly ratchet up the scares, and the scenario is much more about discovering the very personal story behind the monster to get out alive before it closes in on them, rather than just "defeating" it. All of the NPCs presented have hidden depths along with ways for the investigators to find out about them, giving the Keeper all the tools for some pretty good psychological horror.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Nakuko - A 1990's Scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Set in Japan
Publisher: Stygian Fox
by Andrew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/07/2021 08:50:16

I actually love this story, but somehow a large block of important text is entirely omitted between pages 11 and 12. Inexplicable that this got past the editing process. Great otherwise!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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