There are a few good seeds of ideas here, things I can place in my Baldur's Gate. However, the editing and development leaves much to be desired: from simple copy-editing (reigns vs reins), to consistency errors (a boat-based encounter for the Upper City, when the upper city has no waterfront?), to failure to understand the basic mechanisms of play at the table (instructions to use these encounters as random encounters, when the encounters have well-defined locations in the city, so randomness just doesn't work when the characters don't wander past that location?).
It would also be more truthful if the book explicitly flagged the dependency on Gates of Avernus, which doesn't seem to be on the cover or in the DTRPG advertising text; Murder in Baldur's Gate has a 60-page official WoTC write-up of the city for 5e, but doesn't describe some of the context assumed in the adventure. I can't use some of the most-interesting looking hooks without going out and spending another 30 quid to understand them.
One of the story prompts I'm annoyed by may just be a matter of taste: "...animals larger than a peacock are banned within the city’s walls", but the story revolves around a bunch of Large-sized peacocks. Which is the sort of thing that a clever noble might try to get away with, I suppose?
The book is padded a bit by describing every magical item twice; I'm not sure why the author thinks this was useful, but it's about a quarter of the text.