I just ran this adventure for my gaming group and we had a great time with it. It's basically a one-shot dungeon crawl, but it has lots of great little details that really had the group scratching their heads trying to figure out just what the heck was going on. They were able to put the pieces together without too much trouble and very much enjoyed the story.
One thing to keep in mind, if your group is hardcore serious and doesn't like a little tongue in cheek humor, this is not the adventure for them. It's bloody and violent as all get-out, but it's still pretty silly at times. Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer and you've got a good idea of this adventure's tone.
My group of five players got through this in about 5.5 hours, so it's very well suited to one or two nights of gaming.
The only criticism I have is that it does not come with pre-generated characters. A short adventure such as this would really benefit from that sort of thing.