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Relentlessly Gay (for ROLF! and OGL d20)
Publisher: NUELOW Games
by Joe K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2022 08:19:07

I thought this was a witty and campy addition to what is already a very clever and campy game. ROLF takes what's stupid about real world events and classic golden age comics and plays it straight. If you only liked the 1966 Batman show for the source material, this is not the game for you - but if you're looking for something funny and fun, then this is in your wheelhouse keykeykeykeyiifiiffiifiifffiifiiff

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Relentlessly Gay (for ROLF! and OGL d20)
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Bullet Journaling for Gamemasters
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Joe K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2020 10:34:31

As someone who recently began using the Bullet Journal method for daily organization it never occurred to me that this could be transferred over to my gaming prep as well. This is a great INTRODUCTORY guide to using BuJo concepts in gaming. It immediately makes most of the DM's kits here on DTRPG obsolete for that reason alone.

Those curíous about Bullet Journalling should check out this introductory video by the format's creator ( ) - those interested in using it in their gaming will be happily surprised by DLPs suggestions in this PDF

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bullet Journaling for Gamemasters
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A5 B/X OSR Character Sheet
Publisher: Gold Piece Publications
by Joe K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/01/2014 11:44:59

A good all-purpose OSR character sheet -- ideal for quick printing before a game and one that covers all one REALLY needs to function at the table top.

I'd have rated higher if it had allowed for some quick in-game 1-in-6 skills, but that is easily written into the "abilities" section so not much to nitpick.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
A5 B/X OSR Character Sheet
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