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The Solo Hack
Publisher: Rarr! I'm A Monster Publishing
by Michael R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2023 20:44:17

Hi. I enjoyed this however I don't have Black Hack - I have QADD Deluxe edition - is there a QADD version of this as it states inside that there are QADD versions of these adventures? thanks

in response to your response: yes a collected editon of QADD adventures would be most welcome. please lef me know if that happens

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Solo Hack
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for supporting QADD! The QADD versions aren't collected they were mostly.publishe individually. I published them that day because at the time I was envisioning QADD as a mix and match kind of system. I also wanted it to be inexpensive. You can find them on the Rare! publisher page by clicking on the QADD link near the tip. Would a collected edition be something of interest to everyone who plays QADD?
Bullet Journaling for Gamemasters
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Michael R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/09/2020 09:53:42

I enjoyed reading the content but gave it 3 stars because of the price. I peronally don't like reading PDFs so needed to print it out. My biggest criticism would be that the sample picture of the Index page is great - however the paragraph "Campaign Logs (page 24)" doesn't correspond with any chapter of the same name in the index.

The product is worth buying, and perhaps it's me, but I don't understand why the author hasn't created a supplementary video to show highlights of the book. I'd pay extra to view the video. The author does mention that there are ample bullet journal videos on youtube, but not specifally for gamemasters. Overall this is a good product, I just don't fully undersand the instructions.

I tried finding the contact info of the author to send a friendly suggestion email, but was unable to find the contact info.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Bullet Journaling for Gamemasters
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