These cards came as a great disappointment.
I have purchased all of the books, and enjoy the art style and direction of the game manuals.
Upon opening the package, the first two cards I am greeted with were the jokers (which had a couple of the larger scenes from the books on them), and I was hopeful for the rest of the deck. However the remainder of the cards were disappointing. The face cards and the aces are the only cards (besides the jokers) with any art on them. The art is in the style of the game, but very minimal, and lackluster.
The number cards are all of the standard suits, and have slightly stylized pips.
Nothing about these cards is interesting enough to make me want to use them as a stylized set of themed cards, let alone want to include them in a game of Never Going Home. I believe this is a missed opportunity to really drive home the ambiance of a campaign.
If you want a thematic deck to add to the atmosphere of your game, look elsewhere, or just use a standard deck of cards, you won't miss anything.