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ALIEN RPG Starter Set
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Kimi [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2023 01:59:57

Contains what the physical version would (minus dice), descent adaption, no notes. The story of the included scenario "Chariot of the Gods" features a lot of ideas, some of which can feel out of place or crowded for what should be a haunted house type of scenario. Some of the forced events and circumstances can feel illogical, but will run just fine for most groups - my advice for GMs is to not overthink it. However, my main gripe is with the Chariot of the Gods .pdf, which has a weird issue of a lot of words becoming overlapped. Certain events require scouring the file for a reference, such as "power" in relation to "restore power": the pdf. finds dozens of spots which don't even refer to any visible text! This is exceedingly exasperating at the table. Please fix this!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
ALIEN RPG Starter Set
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Daarkh Arts Deck of Magic
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Kimi [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2023 00:53:19

Descent reference of text found in the books, nothing spectacular. Could do with an update for better visual clarity: turning imagery into vector graphics instead of smushed .jpegs, replace bullet points with actual U+2725 symbol, utilizing title and body fonts familiar from the books (IM FELL THREE LINE PICA and IM FELL Great Primer, respectably). The file includes a single blank card base, which doesn't appear to be form-fillable. Luckily the .pdf file isn't protected, so you users can make their text boxes for themselves with an editor. This also does not cover the spells found in the modules.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Daarkh Arts Deck of Magic
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Reforged Power (for Forbidden Lands)
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Kimi [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/09/2023 06:33:50

If you've found this page, you most probably have heard the community's praises for the work mr. Ronnlund has done in expanding elements of the Raven Lands and mechanics of the game. There's no reason to assume this praise is ill-gained or unwarranted as the vast variety of modules means there is something enticing for most everyone.

However, the packaged product itself deserves certain criticisms, some of which might be fixed in future iterations.

Firstly, don't let the Forbidden Lands Workshop template or author's description fool you: these are no booklets but full-on BOOKs at 178 pages for the player guide and 131 pages for the gamemaster guide. Unfortunately, some of this size isn't of valuable content but uneconomical wordiness: there's a LOT of unnecessary hedging (might, maybe, possibly), repetition and adherence to full sentences where parsing would be fully acceptable as less clumsy.

In terms of layout, the default Workshop template isn't on best display here: whereas the original books are B5, the template is Letter, which is 37,05 % bigger. Using the same font size 8, the resulting lines and pages become quite dense, and based on this, Reforged Power probably has more words than either Forbidden Lands PHB or GMG. As it stands, the product isn't printer friendly due to its size nor is it exactly a joy to read on digital.

Secondly: the files aren't exactly optimized, the sheets being 5,5Mb, GMB 7,0 Mb and the PHB 11,7 Mb (54-57% of these are from images). This isn't an issue in terms of storage space, but rather RAM when searching and browsing the files on some older mobile devices, for example.

Mr. Ronnlund introduces a tremendous amount of ideas into Forbidden Lands and Ravenlands, with ample consideration on their usage and impact. It's worth reiterating, that Reforged Power isn't the Advanced-upgrade to Forbidden Lands' simplistic, but a wonderful collection of homebrew rules and contents, useful as is or as a baseline for your own adjustment.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Reforged Power (for Forbidden Lands)
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Creator Reply:
Hi, Kimi! Thanks for your feedback! I'm just a simple GM, not even a native English speaker, and I don't have any proof readers or so, so any feedback is gold. Especially since the project grew so much, and also changed a lot during its iterations, based on the feedback I actually got. It has simply been a hard job for me to keep everything together and in a good shape. And you might be right the the default Workshop template might not be the best? At least not while keeping the books fonts? You are the first one that has had any issue with this, so it is not something I had given any thoughts before! The same goes for optimization, I had no idea that the pdf's could run slow, as I and my players always used PCs when viewing the digital files. And, yes, they might actually be books now, they simply grew (a lot) with time... Given enough feedback, I'll keep releasing new versions, and I am likely to keep updating it whenever any new official books are released. If there are anything you or anyone else would like me to change please provide feedback on the official forum (like here or on Reddit and I'll gladly adjust things! But I'll at least try to see if I can find some of the unnecessary hedging you found, to any such future release.
Aloittelevan pelinjohtajan opas
Publisher: Myrrysmiehet
by Kimi K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/26/2023 11:38:25

Kiva idea, heikko toteutus 15-sivua kattavan oppaan kohdalla on pakko pohtia, onko tässä ajateltu lainkaan oletettua asiakaskuntaa eli aloittelevia, oletettavasti nuoria pelinjohtajia.


  • Tylsä, hyvin pelkistetty: tasapaksua tekstiä kahdessa palstassa ja monotoniaa rikkomaan muutama liian kookkailla lauseilla varustettu puhekupla.
  • Heikosti havainnollistava: ei painotusta tärkeille kohdille; ei kuvia tai kaavioita sisällön tueksi.
  • Ei sisällysluetteloa, ei viitteitä mitä pääaihetta kussakin osuudessa käsitellään – vaikeuttaa kirjasen pariin paluuta ylläolevien nopeasti tulkittavien elementtien puuttumisen lisäksi.
  • Oikeinkirjoituksesta puutteita, kieliasu välillä tökeröä ja turhan sanaisaa.
  • Taitto omituinen: pääotsikot jostain syystä keskellä sivua; orpoja palstoja ja tyhjää tilaa oudoissa paikoissa.
  • Kirjanen ei tarjoa juuri mitään pelijohtajien yleisimmille pulmille eli miten houkutella pelaajia (i.e. miksi pelaisit roolipelejä?), miten järjestää aikataulutus ja kuinka ylläpitää hyvää henkeä harrastuksen parissa.
  • Kädenlämpöinen lopetus on lähes ironinen, jättää kylmäksi teennäisyydessään.


  • Ongelmanratkaisuosio on äärimmäisen tärkeä, mutta jää hiukan aneemiseksi. Painotus vaikuttaa olevan pelaamisen haasteissa ja näiden ennaltaehkäisystä ja käsittelystä, eikä niinkään jo syntyneistä ongelmista ja niiden ratkaisusta. "Kaikilla pitäisi olla mukavaa" mainitaan, mutta ei juuri havainnoida ohjeistuksessa (esim. maailmalla yleistyvät X-cardit ja safe space -käsitykset heijastavat tätä asiaa). Jokin luonnos hyvistä pöytäsäännöistä olisi ollut helppo lisäys ja antanut aloittavalle pelinjohtajalle vähän enemmän paukkuja pelipöytänsä hallintaan.


  • Karttojen piirtämistä käsittelevä osio oli selkeästi parempi pelkästään havainnostavien esimerkkien vuoksi
  • Varsinaiset ohjeet ja faktuaalinen tieto esim. kampanjaan ja seikkailuihin liittyen ovat helposti puolustettavissa ja useammankin plussan arvoisia.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Aloittelevan pelinjohtajan opas
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ALIEN RPG Core Rulebook
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Kimi K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2022 02:34:03

Great system and resource for fans of Alien and the rest of the Aliens-franchise (Covenant and Prometheus included). The research on this has done a great job knitting in facts (or rather fiction) from a huge scope of Alien media, from the films, to books, to comics. The book has a nice atmosphere from its layout and imagery and at no point does it back off on the genre the system sets out to emulate. My only gripe is with the .pdf-version still having an issue with the bookmarking of the last section, the Cinematic Scenario Hope's Last Days. Once they fix that with a updated file, I'll give this 5/5 stars!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
ALIEN RPG Core Rulebook
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