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Cerberus Stock Art Collection: Wizards & Witches Vol.1 $9.99
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Cerberus Stock Art Collection: Wizards & Witches Vol.1
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Cerberus Stock Art Collection: Wizards & Witches Vol.1
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by Timothy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/07/2010 13:25:35

Not a bad little collection of stock art to use for characters. While I didn't find anything in this pack I wanted to use right away, there were images I wanted to make characters for. There are alos terms for using the images in other products of your own creation (I can think of one such product here at DTRPG). I would have liked to have seen some more "classical" looking witches; yes complete with pointy hats. But that is why I bought the product. I would have liked to have seen a thumbnail with watermark on the images before buying. That is what has kept me from buying others in this product line. Note: The file for this is large (35 megs) since the images are hi-res, there are both color and b/w versions of the images.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art Collection: Wizards & Witches Vol.1
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by John W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2007 00:00:00

(Changing my reviews based on publisher feedback)

The artwork in these collections is really very nice. Six full page images for the price, while not a must-buy, is certainly reasonable... Keeping in mind that "full page", in this instance, is expressed as a single subject with a background filling the rest of the page, not a truly, wholly detailed "full page" piece of art.

The publisher's clarification that the artist credits and copyright information can be moved and resized (resized is the kicker, since the regulation on the image's aspect ratio seems to belie this fact) makes a huge difference in my overall impression of the product. Also, if the Cerebrus logo can be excluded, that's another bonus. I originally figured, in the "spirit" of the license, that the logo was included as part of the credits and copyright portion of the image.

<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Most images are very good. All are useable. Another "way cheaper than contracting the artwork by piece" scenario.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The art would be most useful as covert art. Given the lack of details surrounding the central subject of each image, it almost seems like it was designed as cover art from the beginning. Thus I did not originally understand (my fault) that the art could not be used in product covers.

Given the "interior art only" clause, the "full page" nature of these images is sort of a "three quarters truth". As stated previously, "full page" implies that all of the art on the page contributes to the overall effect of the image. In the case of these, it's a single subject with background as page filler... So, while it's not a huge deal, you shouldn't think these are truly "full page" images by technical definition.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hello John, I'm very sorry to hear that you were disappointed with your purchase of my stock art collections. It sounds like I may need to rewrite my terms and conditions page to clarify a few things. First, the terms and conditions state that the images may be cropped as long as credits and copyright are re-added. What that means to you is that you can crop out the credits, etc. and re-add them smaller somewhere less intrusive. Since the Cerberus logo itself isn't included as a separate file with the collection, I don't expect the user to re-add that portion. That being said, both the product description and the terms and conditions page clearly state that these are for interior art and not cover art. Thus, someone thinking I created your product should not be an issue. I appreciate your feedback. These are my first products and there will be many more to come. I hope to improve the collections with each new release taking all customer feedback into consideration. Thank you, Joe Calkins Cerberus Illustration
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