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The King's Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign $5.99 $3.99
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The King\'s Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign
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The King's Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Bertrand L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/11/2022 07:28:47

This setting and campaign are very interesting and have great potential for people willing to work on developing it, and I feel it would require a lot of work.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The King's Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Carson W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/25/2021 13:02:51

TLDR: For a free campaign outline, it presents some compelling ideas, though it would definitely require some work on the GM's part to make for an interestingn campaign.

I feel like this is an interesting campaign outline or idea, but it has some shortcomings to consider. At the bottom is a spoiler section for some more in-depth analysis and suggestions at the bottom.

First of all, it is very, very bare-bones. It has a few ideas and descriptions for what the PCs could encounter during the campaign, and a handful of instructions towards the beginning and end, but most of it is left to the GM. This has pros and cons.

On the one hand, as long as your players have bought into the idea that they are traveling to the end of the titular King's Road, it's very simple to throw things along the path that they can encounter. It kind of serves as a soft railroad (in a good way), as the PCs are literally traveling in a roughly straight line towards their goal. Again, as long as the players are fine with reaching the end eventually, it's not a problem.

On the other hand, there's not a lot of concrete things that you might encounter, just suggestions. As a GM running this for your group, if you have a solid grasp of the system you plan to use and feel comfortable improvising or putting in the work to populate your setting with NPCs, monsters, threats, and obstacles, then it works great. But if you're newer to GMing or don't feel confident pulling threats out of your hat, avoid this until you have more experience under your belt.

Also to it's benefit is it is very system agnostic. Aside from a mention that it's intended to reach level 20 and a random piece of loot mentioned in passing, you can easily use any system you want, as there are no stats to convert.

In addition, it has an interesting hook about the setting (discussed below) that distinguishes this campaign from a lot of otherewise generic fantasy settings, although I feel like it isn't used as much in this campaign.

Spoilers Below

The setting takes place on a ring megastructure, also called a bishop ring or a Niven ring, rather than a planet. This justifies why the PCs need to travel the King's Road to their destination, rather than circumnavigate. I feel like this is an interesting idea, and could be used to tie into broader space fantasy concepts, though the outline doesn't really use or explore the idea that much.

As the campaign is intended to take several years, I feel the starting hook is not as compelling as it should be. It describes the PCs as a generic adventurer party responding to a job posting, but to take such an arduous journey, in my opinion, would need the PCs to have a much stronger personal reason for traveling the Road. Perhaps the PCs could be crusaders seeking a lost holy land, or the GM can use a plot similar to Final Fantasy X or Tales of Symphonia, where the PCs are some kind of pilgrims seeking to save the world or fulfill some grander prophecy.

While the campaign does list a final antagonistic force, it isn't encountered until the very end. A more persistent threat is something that this adventure needs.

I also feel the ending is a little lackluster, given the nature of the setting and the years-long journey it takes to reach it. The end goal should obviously tie back to the revamped start of the campaign, but should also have a heavier connection to the idea that you're on a gigantic ring that some, presumably, built. Again, that's just my opinionn on that, and your milieage may obviously vary.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The King's Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Cameron B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2021 15:14:28

To call this a campaign is a vast oversell, considering well over three quaters of the book is mostly maps presented without context or any real descriptions.

The first sixteen or so pages rough out a setting that you can mostly ignore if you're playing with an established setting, besides three pages that give you the hook for the adventure the rest of this book is all fluff without any real direction.

As a campaign book, this is very lackluster. As a setting guide, it's a start. As a contextless map booklet, it's pointless since these are all recycled FREE maps.

The only value this book holds to me is a helping hand on how I can structure my own personal setting guide.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
The King's Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Ester R. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/05/2020 14:04:17

I love the setting and my players are loving the campaign. Thank you!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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