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Ancient Tombs (SWADE)
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Ancient Tombs (SWADE)
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Ancient Tombs (SWADE)
Publisher: Legendary Games
by Kristian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/04/2019 14:40:03

One of my favorite archetypes to play is the dungeon-delving adventurer, be it in a fantasy setting, a pulp-style adventure, or both (e.g., Eberron). This is a fairly resourceful product. My favorite section within it is "Tomb Hazards" with "Idols" as a close second. I thought the Mechanical Genius Edge was a nice touch, too. My next dungeon delver will definitely take that.

My only complaints are with the page backgrounds and the PDF bookmarks. The page backgrounds are a bit busy and make the text somewhat difficult to read. There are no layers that can be toggled off either. The PDF bookmarks aren't complete, and those that are there don't link to the appropriate sections of the PDF.

I also have one quibble (not a complaint, honestly) with the About Legendary Games text in the credits page. It refers to the reader as a Paizo fan, but given the context of this being a Savage Worlds product, that might or might not be the case. It just seemed a little presumptuous given the target audience. Not a big deal, but something for the authors to think about.

One final note: please be conscientious of "racist" fonts. There's a great Twitter thread that discusses this concept.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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