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Monsters of the Underworld
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Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by jeremiah h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2021 01:54:01

All of the Myrr monster books are great! B/X feel for 5e!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Judd K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2021 11:19:49

The art is delightful and the monsters are simple but well done with a nice blend of new-takes on underdark standards to strange monsters that are alien and weird.

I love Monsters Manuals and will definitely be picking up others by this company.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Zachary H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2020 18:34:48

A great book overall that adds spice to any underdark campaign, or rather any campign in all honesty, just more so in an underdark story.

The art is simply enchanting giving the Monsters of series a great identity due to it being done in a single artists unique style. The drow are a stylized yet not too foreign, the Svirfneblin have a look that surpasses their offical art in my honest opinion and the undervoid and its minions are a strange mixture of threatening and cute. Despite the more family friendly art i can easily imagine the beasts in a grim or gritty campaign. This product will give you minor to major baddies to face in glorious combat and roleplay!

The issues I have with this book though are few, first the infected creatures (Despite being part of the undervoid my favorite thing in the book.) all feel too similar in stats, and a tempalte block would have been more useful for converting monsters to the undervoid's service, and also the player options feel a bit tacked though they can be modified with some simple homebrewing. (also i can't quite search or highlight the text on my PDF copy, so i hope it gets updated eventally)

All in all monsters of the underworld will expand almost any 5e game in glorious ways, if you're running out of the abyss, then maybe spice things up with some lovely monsters from the deep, after all what's more unnerving than strange exotic creatures from beyond the base game?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/06/2020 09:09:20

Monsters of the Underworld by Andrew Cawood (@cawoodpublish)

In the spirit of full disclosure, I was provided a review copy of this supplement for a full and honest review.

This is just a quick review with the intention to come back to another time in more detail.

This isn’t my first Cawood Publishing supplement, but it is my first of their mightily impressive “Monsters of” series, with this edition focusing on the eponymous monsters, but also the people and beasts of the underground and Underdark.

I have to say I’m absolutely blown away by the quantity, quality and vision that has gone into this bestiary!

Cawood’s ideas for the creatures and how they come through so clearly in the flavour and description texts, as well as the statblocks themselves are brilliant. There are a great mix of new creatures, adapted and changed creatures, greater specificity of creatures that fill this tome with everything you could possibly want to run a game underground or Underdark with far more flavour and surprise than what is available in the official manuals. But beyond the subterranean, there are many fabulous creatures and racial archetypes that have a much wider scope for populating your games above ground.

Hansons’s art is glorious! Their creature design is wonderful and full of flavour; there are comic tones (both book and humour), blended with the genuinely creepy and grim to create a truly original and arresting style that treads the line between visceral and whimsy.

Porter’s layout is great exercise in clean simplicity, letting the text, statblocks and artwork speak for themselves.

Monsters of the Underworld is perfect for unground adventures and campaigns, while also just being a bloody brilliant collection of creatures that give DMs so many wonderful new blighters to play with. Keeping players on their toes is great for everyone at the table.

There are many manuals on monsters available on the market, only a few of which are discussed in the same breath as the official Monster Manuals, Cawood’s Monsters of the Underworld most certainly should be one of them!

I can’t wait to delve into their Monsters of Feyland when I get the chance and I am ridiculously excited for their new Monsters of the City, Sins and Virtues Kickstarter, which I am backing and recommend you do too!


Written by Andrew Cawood (@cawoodpublish)

Illustrated by Travis Hanson (@TravsTheBean)

Layout and Graphic Art by Jeff Porter​

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Lucas H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/01/2020 10:52:50

Both Monsters of the Underworld and Monsters of Feyland are fantastic books—an incredible collection of new creatures in a well organized easy to read layout, on sturdy pages with amazing art.

Scattered throughout the pages are fun little extras that you can easily place in your game. For example, "Flora/Features of the Underworld": Plants, fungi, and features like crystals (just a few examples) one may encounter during their travels as an adventurer, all easily placed in almost any setting.

The back of the book contains a collection of handy tables: A list of creatures by CR, events table, encounters table, locations table. You will also find a couple new subclass options and maps you can insert into your game.

As a fungal fanatic I would be remiss not mentioning the plethora of fungi themed creatures included. If you crave more mycological monsters this is the place to find it.

Highly recommended for any ttrpg hoard. Let the inspired creatures within inspire you for any tabletop game you play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Cameron D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2020 08:41:33

I can remember when Andrew first shot me a copy of Monsters of the Feyland - holy hell was that a fun book. With beefy thematic monsters and Travis' fantastic art, Monsters of the Underworld only builds on that model of cartoony but deadly creatures and amazing visuals. A lot of the monsters in here are fantastic additions to any Underdark themed or suberterranian campaign, and as always the variety is better - far better - than anything in the base Monster Manual. I especially enjoy of the fungus themed monsters, primarily the fungus giant which is absolutely terrifying in any way shape and form. I highly reccomend this book for anyone getting ready to delve into the deep. Comics, Clerics, & Controllers d20 Roll: Nat 20

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Andrew S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2020 15:24:17

I love Cawood Publishing's monster books! Following Monsters of Feyland, the Alliance of the Griffon describes an awesome amount of deadly creatures infesting the Underworld. Writing is crisp and engaging. Art is vibrant and consistent across all entries. The layout is very table friendly. A few more tables and maps are included than are found in Monsters of Feyland. You get a great feel for the dwarfs, drow, minotaurs, fungi, deep gnomes and duergar. So much of this book can be used in other settings too. The quality of Cawood Publishings monster books is up there with the best content producers for 5E and they have found the sweet spot with these very usable monster books. I can't wait for the next monster book in the line!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Leroy D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/05/2019 21:56:36

As with all products from Cawood, this is an worthwhile purchase, in fact it's probably their best book yet. I usually prefer physical copies but as soon as this was released, I needed it right away so I got the PDF. Now I am eagerly waiting for the hardbound version.

The art by Travis Hanson makes this supplement really pop. If you're going to have artwork of adventurers wielding oversized swords, it's best done in cartoon format like this. I always enjoy Hanson's cartoons. The book is amazingly colourful.

The side tidbits like Flora amongst the monster descriptions add real flavour to your underworld campaign. I can't wait to introduce the Eddybell mushroom. This book can be used for so many different RPG games and any editions.

I sincerly hope the staff at Cawood are plugging away at the next supplement. I look forward to their books more than those produced by spellcasters down by the Coast.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Travis F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/05/2019 07:03:58

Fantastic work by Cawood publishing and like the Monsters of Feyland it is must have book for anyone’s table. The enchanting art work by Travis Hanson alone is worth the price. I suggest this book for help filling in any gaps you might have to monsters for your 5th edition game and it is a great resource to get the imagination flowing for another campaign with your friends.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Ja F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/04/2019 15:03:47

“Hidden underneath the everyday world is a dark, mysterious realm…” THE UNDERWORLD This book is a well organized, beautifully illustrated, collection of 100+ monsters. I really enjoy the content! Cawood Publishing has earned my support over the last few years. It is a great book to add to your 5e collection - Don’t miss out!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Hanno Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/04/2019 14:20:52

Surprise your players!

Like its predecessor Monsters Of Feyland (which I highly recommend) Monsters Of The Underworld features 100+ highly creative and balanced monsters to challenge your players with. Together with the beautiful art and accompanying texts this book will provide lots of entertainment to any D&D 5e group. Included are maps and adventure hooks to spark your imagination.

Don't wait, get it now!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Underworld
Publisher: Cawood Publishing
by Michael M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/04/2019 14:13:24

This is the second Monsters book by Cawood publishing and like the first a must have book, I do not think we have played a game in the last two years where we have not used one of the monsters in our games from these amazing books.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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