This is a fantastic adventure location, with a great connected thread of logic and interwoven connections. Every NPC has a rich and realistic connection with every other NPC, with so much potential for interfering PC shenanigans. It even has a great TPK recovery potential, allowing the PCs to reawaken after losing initially as new potential sacrifices, and start over.
Like all the best adventure locations, it's a powder keg in a room full of fuses. It asks a little more of the GM to keep the connections in their head, so they know PCs doing X will probably affect Y, but not too much. It's so self-contained, and there's only a few people to keep track of.
I know some people complain about it not "telling the players what they're supposed to be doing," but I think this is just a misunderstanding of playstyles. This is not a traditional 5e linear adventure (or "adventure path"). It's more in the player-driven sandbox / OSR tradition, where it is a benefit to give the players the flexibility to determine their own goals. It gives a whole page of hooks to connect players and let's them loose, and it does it so well.
The only complaint I do share with others is that the richly interwoven meta-narrative could be better laid out more fully initially, so the reader doesn't have to hunt around in the book for the various pieces that fit together.