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5E Post-Apocalyptic Weapons Deck $4.99
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5E Post-Apocalyptic Weapons Deck
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5E Post-Apocalyptic Weapons Deck
Publisher: Michael Tresca
by Jareth J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2022 19:40:28

I don't want to be to critical of these cards, they do have a load of good ideas im just not stelar about the rules text on the cards. I am actually going to start with the rules text before i go into what i like; Its confusing and needs to be deciphered in most instances, it doesn't follow the standard 5th ediiton terminology. To show you what i mean i will be quoting the Crystal Spear item which you can follow along with in the item's full sized preview.

After a small flavor text at the top we have the TYPE of weapon, which is "Melee Weapon Attack". that means nothing in the context of the item, its saying that its a melee weapon of course, i think this notation would better be used to emphesise the item's properties in the terms of being (Melee or Ranged) followed by (Simple or Martial) although for these maybe add (Futuristic, or Exotic) alongside simple and martial.

Next is the TARGET telling you that it is one creature. well this is nothing new, at least for Melee weapons in 5th edition, it doesnt belong on this card, its a weapon, and there is no nonmagical weapon that targets more than one creature to begin with.

Afterwards we have two of the three best text spaces on these cards with the PROPERTIES which all use the standard weapon properties from the 5th Edition Player's Handbook, and the WEIGHT which as a person who likes some form of encumbrance to track is a godsend for third party items, thank you so much for including the weight; i hate having to look up how much a chainsaw weighs in the middle of my sessions.

Next we have the only tag that really needs to be overhauled and that is the HIT part of the card; "13(3d8)+Wis+[Character Level x2] in radient damage. The target must make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw each round or be blinded (Save Ends)" This is the entire reason i wanted to start with the rules text, in the 5th edition there are two rolls you normally make in weapon combat, the hit roll and the damage roll. now to be honest most of my critisism is centered around how they list it as HIT but list the Damage and special effects of the weapon instead. originally i would complain that it say 13(3d8) but i realized as i was writing this review that this was done for the Dungeon/Game Master so they can give these weapons to enemy creatures without needing to role or do the math themselves as to the average damage. I honesly like the idea of these kinds of weapons scaling with player level, making them more deadly as they are for the most part temporary, as the next and final section explains. To round off this section however, i'd like to point out the effect text of this section. "The target must make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw each round or be blinded (Save Ends)" I understand that this is intended for the affected creature who fails the Dex Save to make that Dex Save every turn until it succeeds, on which it is no longer blinded; I'd have rather them properly finished the effect text in the way that 5e would have worded it " At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the blindness ends." and while i'd personally write it to be a constitution save after they fail the Dexterity save (such as with the Blindness/Deafness spell) i respect their descision to make it Dex based.

Now for the final card section TECH CHECK (DC15) This details how if the creature rolls a 1 on this check the weapon becoms a +3 2-Handed Melee weapon with the reach property dealing 6(1d12) radient damage. i have no critisism about this mechanic, i love powerful items that don't last or that threaten to break when used, it's a great way to reward your players in the moment while not letting that item define their character. but i did lie and i do have one critisism, i don't know what a Tech Check is; When do i have them roll this check? is it once when they pick up the weapon? each time they use the weapon? is it every day at dawn? is it influenced by the Intellignece attribute? Is it a skill that one of my players can choose to have in place of something like survival, or arcana? it's really open ended and there isn't an insert in the deck to explain it.

Overall despite how much im beating up this deck of cards it's not because i dislike them, far from it, i love alot of these items and ideas more so than many of the offical magic items that have been printed by WoTC. i want to bring out the best that these cards have to offer, cause they have potential that is as of yet untapped. I'd love to see more like them.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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