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Enchanted Ammunition: 101 Alchemical Arrows and Booming Bolts $1.95
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Enchanted Ammunition: 101 Alchemical Arrows and Booming Bolts
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Enchanted Ammunition: 101 Alchemical Arrows and Booming Bolts
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Dave A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/09/2021 20:13:17

My absolute favorite thing on DMs Guild right now. My wife is playing an archer focused Rogue, and this is going to get me big time brownie points with the Mrs. Very excited to introduce these slowing into the game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Enchanted Ammunition: 101 Alchemical Arrows and Booming Bolts
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Robert M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/09/2019 07:30:49

Enchanted Ammunition: 101 Alchemical Arrows And Booming Bolts a great collection of magic ammo to enhance ranged combat in your game. As someone who has practiced archery on-and-off since he could pull a plastic bow with suction cup arrows, I’ve been waiting for a supplement like this to come along! The author takes care to mention the importance of only doling out a few epic arrows at a time to balance their inclusion and to make their use a special moment. Plus there are tables regarding the crafting time, price, rarity, and availability of such magic items. My main critique is that many of the effects are strikingly (pun-intended) similar to pre-existing spells, but this mirroring makes the contents a great introduction to D&D’s somewhat complex magic system for new and/or younger players. The layout is professional, the art is high quality, and the price is unbeatable. I highly recommend this supplement!

Bob World Builder

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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