I am only writing an initial impression review, because I want to get the actual physical copy (which is on the way) to totally dive in to digest the Erwinian ruleset (I'm not a huge fan of reading on my computer).
First, you can really tell the influences of the writers. There is a heavy Palladium vibe with these rules with how skills are used, gun combat, etc. I like Palladium games, but where Palladium has some rule aspects that don't appeal to me, the Erwinian ruleset takes the better ones and cleans them up so they are coherent and fluid. They then take those rules and meshes them with some old school D&D, maybe even the Black Hack roll under mechanic. What you get is a ruleset that has enough crunch and enough freedom to be able to construct whatever you want. I am very excited by the Erwinian System. I want to run something with this engine. I am fully onboard with this game and am eyeing up the other books they got available to see how they handle the different genres.
Good job, guys! You got a fan, for sure, in me!