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100 Fianna Kinfolk
Publisher: White Wolf
by Jacek W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/16/2020 10:26:45

A solid suplement, very useful among many others. It gives STs a chance to focus on a story rather than NPCs. But it has 3 major flaws:

-Many of those kinfolks have been wrongly assigned as male or female at birth. As far as I know it doesn't happen so often. And in these books (the same flaw can be found in other books from this series) you can find at least one character like this. The same is for LGBT Kinfolks. I have nothing against homosexuals, but they are no more than 3% of world's population (according to Google and Wikipedia) so putting at least one in every book is a little too much for me. -It appears that many of those characters were created by copy/paste method. Their bios and sometimes names are similar in different books. -Many of them also have brothers and sisters (sometimes a few of them) who undergone their First Change. If I remember correctly Garou are a dying species so it shouldn't happen so often. Of course, if a ST follow the rules to the core it can be assumed that parents of those kinfolks were pure breeded (high Pure Breed Background).Many of them also have gnostic talent or gifts, a rare thing among Kinfolks. Neverthless it is a very good position to have (ST can easily modify those characters to correct those flaws). If I had to point a flaw that cannot be easily corrected I will say that the characters are too "clean". No skinhead/racist among Get of Fenris kinfolks? For me almost impossible (p. ex. in "Rage across New York" there was a skinhead Fenrir).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
100 Fianna Kinfolk
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