Everyone has their own ideas about what a vampire should be, whether it is in a game, book, movie, or TV show. I personally lean more towards the old Vampire the Masquerade style, which is also similar to Anne Rice's vampires in many ways. I bring this up as we all look at gaming products with our own bias whether or not we realize it. That said, this is a well-written book. Sure, I prefer that vampires are "merely" paralyzed when staked in the heart, and not turn to dust, but that does not detract from this book. Many people forget that their own preferences do not alter the quality of a book's content. The book should be based on its overall quality and overall value, and that is why I give it a solid 5.
This book has good content. The layout and, from what I noticed, the editing are both pretty good. It is pretty thorough and is meant to be used as a toolbox to add vampires -- even player character vampires (come on, most players would want to be one!) -- to a campaign. It has more than enough to run a one-shot or a short campaign, and it has some good ideas to form the basis of a longer-term campaign.