Originally posted here: https://theotherside.timsbrannan.com/2020/10/dmsguild-witch-project-5e-witches-part-1.html
This one is 15 pages (1 title, 1 legal, 13 pages content) and sells for $1.99. There is no art. This class is a full 20 levels, with spell casting to the 9th spell level ability. This witch also has a number of spells known per level. Spellcasting is based on Intelligence.
This witch has a number of special powers and more granted by their Practitioner's Path. These include The Hedge Witch, The Seer, The Maleficent, The Familial, and The Weaver. So a few more than average. Each has a nice solid witchy feel to it and can fill many niches for the witch class.
Also detailed are more powers for the witch and the list of witch spells. No new spells are included.
For 2 bucks it packs a lot of punch.